Encouragement Ink

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Once again I got right on up this morning and I loved it! I am so glad to be back at this place where I was when I first started getting up to pray. I wake up excited and ready for what me and the Holy Spirit are going to discuss. I am excited to see how He will use me in prayer. I am excited just to get my time with Him before my day begins. I am excited to feel His presence! I don’t know what kind of “dip” that was that I had where I was wrestling with getting out of bed, but I am glad that it’s not there anymore.

Before I get into today’s blog, I have to share an awesome bit of news. Yesterday I found out that I was selected to win a $500 business grant! One of the influencers that I follow on Instagram decided to give gifts on her birthday (how generous is that!). She created a business grant opportunity for those who were interested in winning money to help their business (raised hand…me!!). I prayed about winning the grant. I believed I had won the grant and when I got the email, I was still in complete awe of God for just answering my prayers and showing me so much favor!!!

Here’s the part that you need to really catch. I had written down on my Permission Slips worksheet whether or not I should invest in hiring her as a business coach to work with me. The Lord answered me and said, use what you already have in your hands from her. I had ALREADY purchased some business courses from her. So I said, okay Lord, I will plant the seeds that are already in my hand.

Y’all, for God to bless me with the grant in the exact amount that she charges for a session to work with her, was absolutely amazing to me. I truly believe my obedience to Him, my prayers, my faith, and my complete trust in His plan and His way, all allowed me to receive this amazing blessing tailor-made for me! I was picked out of all the people who applied and there were tons who applied! She has a pretty major following! When I think about how God orchestrated it all through my prayers, getting His permission, and waiting on Him, I just get filled up with praise and excitement and joy! It’s definitely a jump up and down, awesome experience!

Now let’s get into my conversation with God this morning! It’s was really good to me!

The scriptural surprise is what lead our conversation today. It comes from Mark 16 and the stand out verses are 3 and 4. Now because I want you to go and read then for yourself, I am not going to include the verses here in the blog. I pray this does encourage you to go and read Mark 16 for yourself to see what God reveals to you. Here is what the Holy Spirit revealed to me:

  • Sometimes you may buy things that you think you need, but will never end up using.

  • Don’t worry about WHO will move the stone or obstacles in your life. Don’t even worry about HOW they will be moved either.

  • When you move in faith, it will already be handled when you get there!

  • Don’t be surprised to find out that what you thought was dead in your life, has now been resurrected.

  • Go and do what you have been instructed to do. Obedience.

  • Even if people don’t believe you, STILL tell them what you have been instructed to tell them anyway.

  • Jesus instructed us to GO into ALL the world and preach the Good News about Him to everyone, everywhere! All still means ALL!!

  • Those who believe the Good News and are baptized will be saved. Those who don’t believe will be condemned.

In this 16th chapter of Mark, Mary Magdalene, Salome, and Mary the mother of James, “discussed” who would roll the stone away as they were walking to the tomb. They had bought burial spices for Jesus’ body knowing the stone was in the way. They walked and went to the tomb not knowing how, but they went prepared anyway for when! Now, when they got to the tomb, the stone was already rolled aside. The stone (their perceived problem) was still there on sight, but it wasn’t in their way.

The stone had ALREADY been moved! I heard the Holy Spirit say, keep moving toward what I have called you to do, and I will ALREADY have the stones of life MOVED out of your way when you get there. You can’t call ahead and see if the stone is gone. You can’t find out before you go if somebody is there to move it. Just move in the direction that I say move in, and no obstacle will be able to stop you.

Also, as I was reading this familiar chapter, the Holy Spirit gave me a fresh reminder of what I can do as a believer. If you’re a believer (and I pray you are), here’s your reminder of what WE can do:

  • Cast out demons in Jesus name.

  • You can speak in new languages (that means you can speak in tongues).

  • You can handle snakes with safety (step on the serpent’s neck!!)

  • You can put your hands on the sick and heal them.

  • The Lord will work with you and confirm what you say with many miraculous signs.

Did you know you had all these powers when you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior? Did you know that the Lord will HELP YOU? Well you do have these powers and now you know where your real help comes from! Use your powers! If everyone could do what we were created to do, and get on our God post, what kind of world would we live in? Think about that on this last Friday of the month. Be encouraged to use everything God gave you today!

If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.


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A Word from God.

I am ready to sign my New Book Permission Slips! Order yours today! Bookclub Discussion coming soon!

Check out my new book release!!