Encouragement Ink

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And Sure Enough!

And Sure Enough!

New English Translation


Today, I heard very clearly from the Holy Spirit, operate in the original way I designed you to be. Remove anything from your operating system that I didn’t put there. Remove anything that YOU have added on your own to MY original design!

Straight out the prayer closet, this morning the Holy Spirit is saying for us to OPERATE the way He designed us to. Haven’t you been in situations where you knew how something was supposed to operate, but it just wasn’t working right? You tried everything you could to fix it, but it just seemed like it wouldn’t operate the way it was supposed to operate. God is calling us to operate the way He designed us to. Those natural gifts and talents are WHO YOU ARE. Anything that causes you to be dysfunctional needs to be eliminated or deleted from your operating system. Anything that is slowing you down and keeping you from operating optimally needs to be removed. God gave you everything you needed when He created you.

As I was praying in the Spirit this morning, a specific person came to my mind and I began to pray for them. I saw the Holy Spirit downloading a lot of good things to this person and my prayer was for whatever God was downloading into them (or telling them what to do), that they would take action and organize the information into easily retrievable folders. I prayed for the download not to overload…them. I prayed for a full download at 100% and for things to flow easily and not be stuck in the downloading process. That prayer was for this woman of God that He put in my Spirit, but then I received that word for me too. That whatever God is giving me to do, that I take action with it immediately and organize it in such a way that I can effectively OPERATE!

The scriptural surprise this morning came from 2 Kings, chapters 2 and 3. The stand out verses were 11, 18, and 20! What the Holy Spirit revealed to me in my reading this morning was:

  • Sometimes you need to look for the prophet among you, then ask the Lord what to do.

  • Not only will I give you what you need suddenly, I will make you victorious!

  • The miracle comes after the morning sacrifice.

  • And sure enough…

  • With Me the battle is already won!

The verse that I loved the most was 2Kings 3:20. The power of the Lord had come upon the prophet Elisha and he was telling the 3 kings of Israel, Judah, and Edom what the Lord had said. He told them the dry valley would be filled with pools of water, but they won’t see no wind or rain. And they will have plenty of water for themselves and for all their animals.

See these three kings were on a journey to fight king Moab, and the route they took was through the wilderness. They had been in the wilderness for seven days and there was no water for them or their animals to drink.

What I love about this part of the text is that once Elisha the prophet told them what was about to happen, he said the water stuff is only a simple thing for the Lord. He is going to also make you victorious over the army of Moab! Right after he told them this, it says AND SURE ENOUGH. For some reason those words really stood out to me (clearly, since I titled the blog with the words). But right after the prophet said it, the next morning when the morning sacrifice was offered, water suddenly appeared!

What if the miracle you are waiting for is tied to your morning sacrifice? What if God is ready to give you more than what you are seeking? What if God wants to give you “pools of water” AND “victory” over the battle you’re facing right now?

See in verse 10, when the three kings and their armies were thirsty with no water in the wilderness, Joram, king of Israel was crying out saying, y’all what should we do? The Lord done brought us three kings out here for King Moab to defeat us. Clearly he was whining and had some unbelief going on.

But verse 11 is where the action starts. King Jehosaphat of Judah said, dude, chill out. Is there no prophet of the Lord with us? If there is, we can ask the Lord what to do. So one of Joram’s officers remembers that the prophet Elisha was there. So King Jehosaphat was like, boom. We can go ask Elisha and the Lord will speak through him.

Now when they got to Elisha the prophet, he didn’t even wanna fool with Joram, the king of Israel because Joram and his parents had been practicing idolatry. He even told Joram to go holla at the pagan prophets of your father and your mother. But Joram was like, NO! The Lord called us three kings here to be destroyed.

I could seriously imagine eye rolling going on every time Joram said that.

After a few head shakes, Elisha said, real talk, if it wasn’t for my respect for King Jehosaphat, I wouldn’t even bother with you bruh. Side Note: Y’all got to read the Bible . It’s better than any movie or TV series, especially when you talk like I’m talking right now! LOL!

Elisha said go get somebody who can play a harp. Y’all I just love music and to know that the prophet had music playing as the power of the Lord came upon him just makes me smile even more.

So Elisha gave them the prophetic word from the Lord, and sure enough…it happened as he said it would.

This Friday morning, I want to encourage you to operate the way God made you, make your morning sacrifice and spend time with the Lord through prayer, seek the prophetic word the Lord has for you, AND SURE ENOUGH, the miracle will suddenly appear!

P.S. The New Permission Slips Prayer Journal is NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD!!! It’s the perfect companion to the new book Permission Slips! Get your new digital prayer journal here! And if you haven’t gotten the book, definitely get that too!




If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.


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A Word from God.

I am ready to sign my New Book Permission Slips! Order yours today! Bookclub Discussion coming soon!

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