Encouragement Ink

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What Are You Talking About?

What Are You Talking About?

“Now, this means that when we come together and are side by side, something wonderful will be released. We can expect to be co-encouraged and co-comforted by each other’s faith!” Romans 1:12 The Passion Translation (TPT)


It’s Monday and I’m excited to be on assignment by God! If you woke up and you weren’t excited, then check whose assignment you’re on. To get on God’s assignment, simply pray and say you’re ready for your assignment now. That’s it! You don’t have to prepare for the assignment when you simply surrender. God got you!

In today’s blog, I want to share how it went down in the prayer closet this morning with Holy Spirit. This is what God said in prayer through Holy Spirit:

  • Be confident as my witness. Today, ask someone if they know Jesus. Look for natural ways to start the conversation. (Of course I was like…okay Holy Spirit, show me how. That’s when He said this: Now you can find ways to talk to strangers in the line at the grocery store because the cashier is moving too slow, or when a restaurant host is taking too long to seat you. You and all the other people make eye contact to express your disappointment; you talk to strangers at events when you sit next to them; when you ask people their opinion of something in the store. Trust me, you already know HOW to do this, I just want you to do it MY WAY. It’s time to talk about ME. Ahhh, okay, I got it Holy Spirit. Then I remembered my pastor, Joel Simms said at church yesterday that we don’t have to win them over in that moment, just plant a seed. And be led by the Holy Spirit).

  • Teach your children to be witnesses for Jesus now. Teach them to be leaders for Christ in their school and around their friends. Give them simple ways to share Jesus’s love like this: Did you know that Jesus loves you SO MUCH? Well he does and He will never leave you.

  • Plan out your week Fon. What 3 things must be accomplished. (I then began to ask Holy Spirit what my 3 priorities should be. Then I wrote them down right there in the closet).

  • Always talk to me about your priorities. Don’t prioritize without prayer and My permission.

  • Not every project is meant for YOU to do it, but you can be the project manager and get it done! (Wow! This one was very revealing because there have been some opportunities that I have been approached with, and I wasn’t feeling like I was supposed to spend my time on them. Now I am clear. First talk to God about it, and then realize that He may be bringing a project for me to manage, not actually do myself. Thank you for that clarity Holy Spirit).

  • Don’t think about anything or anybody that doesn’t line up with My Word. It’s that simple. Nothing to be confused about (Holy Spirit put his foot down on this one).

  • If it doesn’t line up with My Word, that’s not ME talking to you. (And again, He made sure I got it).

  • Don’t forget to ask me about every single thing today! Everything.

  • Remember, when you ask me, it takes the weight off of you to figure it out. Ask me, then wait for my answer.

The Holy Spirit is the ultimate counselor and if you haven’t been filled with The Holy Ghost, it’s time to book that appointment to go deeper. I wasn’t taught about being baptized by the Holy Spirit, but I am so thankful that I am not allowing the things that I didn’t know about prevent me from knowing about it NOW! Let go of the stuff that didn’t happen and start focusing on what can happen when you simply surrender your life completely over to God.

Be Encouraged TODAY!


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Word from God