Encouragement Ink

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Tired? Keep Reading!

Tired? Keep Reading!

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9 NLT


Good Morning! I have to start off with honesty. This morning was a tough morning. I was so sleepy! I went to bed at a decent hour but I didn’t rest well and it showed up during prayer time. I kept pushing. I repositioned myself every time I felt like I was drifting. Let that be encouragement to you this morning. When you are drifting away from God, whether it be in prayer or just in life, reposition yourself. If you’re tired, reposition yourself and ask Holy Spirit to strengthen you in that moment and He will do it!

Here’s how this morning started off (notice the first thing Holy Spirit interpreted):

  • Pay attention! Focus!

  • When it’s time to move on, move on.

  • Read My Word first before any other book or social scrolling for inspiration. I asked Holy Spirit where should I start in the Bible. His response: In the beginning. Then He said…And I want you to take notes (That means don’t just read it, study it and take notes).

  • Even when you get tired, be consistent. Don’t get weary in well doing.

  • Remember that the high expectations you have of others, even more others have it of you. You’re expecting a Word from Me when you go to prayer service today, someone is expecting My Word from you in this blog (THIS WOKE ME UP!)

  • Everybody committed to doing my assignments must be strong, sturdy, and ready for me to work through them.

  • Somebody is waiting on you, just like you waiting on them.

  • Obedience to My work makes all the puzzle pieces click together.

  • There is no lost when you are found in total reliance on me.

  • In order to do God’s best, you must get enough rest.

I also heard the word Orchestrate while praying. I love how God orchestrates everything. And when you are in a close and intimate relationship with God, you can see His hand moving through things. It prompted me to look up the word orchestrate (see pic below). What really stood out to me in the definition, is how it was used in a sentence. Notice the word FAVOR. Then check out the synonyms: organize, arrange, adapt, put together, plan, set up, bring about, manage, mobilize, mount, mastermind, choreograph, coordinate, direct, engineer.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit can give you one word that will have the same power as a whole book full of words.

Surrender and give God permission through prayer to orchestrate your life.

Word from God