Encouragement Ink

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Consistent, But Not Controlling

Consistent, But Not Controlling!

Contemporary English Version


First of all, I am super excited this morning because I bought a new journal yesterday for my prayer time and I used it this morning! I am doing a happy chair dance where my chest is popping back and forth (LOL). I know some of you know exactly what I am talking about which makes it hilarious that you’re imagining me chest popping over a new journal, but that’s just how excited I am!!

Okay, now for the part that wasn’t too exciting this morning. I slept in…AGAIN! Y’all, I don’t know if it’s the new mattress, staying up too late, or just a tactic of the enemy, or truth be told…all three, but I was feeling so inconsistent this morning. My whole routine was different this morning. Normally I get up, pray, read the bible, write down what I hear the Holy Spirit saying, and then write the blog. Now of course there are a few personal things that happen when I get up, but you get the point that I do all this in the prayer closet.

Well this morning because I decided to wiggle my foot to the praise and worship music alarm verses getting out of bed (and fell back asleep after the first song), my whole routine was off. I got up.. because I still have to get the kids off to school, and sometimes I wonder if I would get up if it was still summer…never mind, I don’t even want to go there. But I got up. I prayed while handling the personal morning business. I was like, Lord, I don’t know what is going on with me and this not getting up stuff. I was annoyed at myself! How many times do you get annoyed at you for what you did to yourself? It’s super annoying, right? Well as I was trying to figure out how to restructure my morning, I heard this from the Holy Spirit: Be consistent, but not controlling.

As I let those words repeat themselves over and over, I begin to understand what the Holy Spirit was saying. Don’t ever stop being consistent with praying, but let go of controlling the way it happens. Think about it Fon. Everytime you have had amazing prayer days and written blogs that people resonated with, it was ME being in control, not you. So don’t limit me or try to control me and think that I can only do it the way I did it on those days!! WOOOOOOW!

So y’all, I took a shower and prayed in the shower! The prayer closet also got some prayers, but the Holy Spirit said, pray while you’re getting ready this morning and watch what I do. See I was thinking, I need to be still and be in the prayer closet and do it like I have always done it. The Holy Spirit said, you didn’t wake up to do it that way, but watch how I use you anyway and allow you to be uncomfortably stretched!!! MY GOD!!!

Here’s what else I heard from the Holy Spirit and journaled (in my new journal) this morning:

  • Be consistent, even on the days where it feels like being consistent won’t even matter.

  • Not everyday of consistency will be explosive. Some days are designed to stretch you beyond your current comfort level of consistency.

  • Be consistent, not controlling. I am in control Fon.

  • Start taking action on the ideas I give you! (The Holy Spirit had just given me an idea with a full picture in my head and I wrote it down in the journal).

  • My ideas will always honor ME and give ME the glory. They will always align with your purpose. (I feel like someone would read the last bullet and ask, “how do I know if the idea is from God.”

The scriptural surprise today is from Ezekiel 29-30. When I landed on it, I honestly was like…awe Holy Spirit, can I have a redo. He said, read it. And here’s what I got from it:

  • Don’t take credit for God’s creations.

  • Don’t be selfish.

  • When the Lord send His people to you for help…don’t be selfish and not help them. He blessed you to be a blessing and when you don’t help people with HIS blessings, He is not pleased. And you don’t want to feel his wrath!

Check out those chapters in Ezekiel and see what the Holy Spirit reveals to you!

I pray you have an awesome Wednesday! I am headed to prayer service at Word of Life Church. I can’t wait to see what God does today!


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A Word from God.

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