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Distractions, Purpose, Provision, and Relationship!

God’s Word.


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Distractions, Purpose, Provision, and Relationship! Fon Strong James

In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog!! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!

You know you are on to something good, when the enemy keeps trying to distract you! Lately, I have been fighting distraction after distraction. Contrary to popular belief, just because I am waking up and spending my first moments of the day with God, doesn’t mean the enemy won’t come at me. Matter of fact, BECAUSE I wake up and spend my first moments of the day with God, the enemy starts at me EARLY! That’s where the sleepiness comes from (especially if I have gone to bed early). That’s where the distractions come from. That’s where the frustration comes from. It all is designed to throw me off from trusting that God got me, no matter what.

Last night, I almost had a breakdown. Yes, two days from celebrating my prayer time milestone, I was feeling like I was losing it. The weight of parenting had fallen on me hard last night and it kept on building. I kept on allowing myself to get more and more frustrated with the simplest of tasks as a Mom. I was tired. The kids seemed to be doing things intentionally to push my buttons. Today is picture day and neither kid wanted to wear anything I approved. I went into my son’s closet and I saw a stack of clothes that had not been there before. Yes we keep a pretty clean house over here, so a stack of clothes in my eyesight screams MESS. I was like, where did these clothes come from? Instead of folding them, he had hidden some of them in the closet. Now I saw them immediately when I opened the closet, so he didn’t do a good job of hiding them. But when I saw those clothes, it was like the last straw of the night. It felt like I was about to just breakdown. I started speaking out loud, but it wasn’t with the Word of God. It was: “I am so sick of this. I am tired of this. I don’t get any help. Y’all don’t care nothing about ya Momma.” I mean I was going in. Then I heard myself. Why was I allowing a stack of clothes in the closet or a disagreement about attire for school pictures work me up so much? Why was I so annoyed?

The enemy had come to try to steal my joy. If you listened to the blog yesterday, I had been in an unstoppable mood. I was happy. I went to prayer service. It was good as usual. I had gone to lunch with a friend and that was amazing. But for whatever reason, the atmosphere in my home shifted and I was adding fuel to the fire with my words. I was gassing up the enemy’s plan to steal my joy. But then I went to the prayer closet and prayed. I knew I had done the right thing. And even though later I still found myself fussing again, I knew that God was working on my behalf and that everything was all good. I had to remind myself of that.

This morning my son wasted a drink on the floor which caused a disruption in the morning routine. I had to mop the entire kitchen floor. I took a deep breath. It wasn’t worth going into a rage about. It wasn’t gonna work this morning enemy. You see the enemy thought he had accomplished something last night and was going to go at it again this morning, even after I had finished morning prayer, but nope. I wasn’t going to allow it. The whole situation this morning had me thinking back to a conversation I had with a friend on yesterday about allowing. What are we allowing, even though we are praying? In what ways are we still ALLOWING the enemy to come in and try to wreck us? Is it through our children, our jobs, our health, our finances, our responsibilities? And why do you think the enemy attacks in those areas?

This morning, as I was praying, I prayed for distractions to be removed so that I can do what God has assigned me to do. Whatever it is that God has purposed me to do is soooo important and so impactful. How do I know? Because the enemy is trying his hardest to distract me from it.

Instead of getting frustrated, thrown off, and annoyed…I am going to speak the Word of God. The enemy can’t handle the Word of God. So I got to always be speaking it, so I can accomplish the purpose for which God put me on this earth to do.

The Holy Spirit wrote this blog this morning because I said, you write it. He also spoke two things to me this morning that is totally unrelated, and I almost just left them sitting here in my journal with the thought that they were specifically for me. But I know my assignment for this blog is to share our conversations. So guess what? That’s what I am going to do. I know that it will resonate with someone else too.

The Holy Spirit said:

  • I am balancing the scales.

  • I am equaling the yoke.

  • You will see eye-to-eye.

  • You will have equal footing so you can stand firm together.

As I was reading through some of my motivational cards, one of them stood out in particular. That’s when I heard this from the Holy Spirit:

  • What’s the problem?

  • That’s your purpose!

  • From it, comes your provision.

  • The Problem x The Purpose I Gave You = Multiplied Provision.

The blog may seem to cover a multitude of topics, but I know that God is using me as a messenger to remind you to not be distracted by the enemy, to use the Word of God as your weapon against Him, your provision is connected a problem that your purpose solves. And God is leveling things out for the relationship to stand firm.


Check out your assignment questions for today. Take a moment to reflect and then answer the questions in your journal. Pray. Listen. Write. Obey.


Today’s Music on the Audio:

Blog Intro Music

Blog Outro Music



  1. What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. Identify how the enemy is trying to distract you so that you can use the Word of God as your weapon.

  3. What problem keeps popping up that can you solve? (Dr. Dharius Daniels said: Purpose is always answer to a problem).

  4. If your provision is connected to you solving a problem with your purpose, what assignment has God already given you to move toward it?

Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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