Encouragement Ink

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Done for You vs Do It Yourself

God’s Word


“Receive it.” ~ Holy Spirit

What a great Monday morning this is! I woke up praying before I even let my feet hit the floor! I had a crazy dream about myself and some other people being in a van being taking somewhere against our will. I remember the van being packed with women, men, children, and apparently the dream needed a celebrity because Jean Claude Van Damme was the bad guy in the dream. He told the driver of the van to take us somewhere in a language I couldn’t understand. There was a child sitting next to me in the van and he said, “No matter where they take us, God is with us.”

We drove around what seemed like the city of Houston making all kinds of turns and twists as if we were trying to lose someone who was following us. Then we were about to hit a freeway and there was water on the road, from a flood. So the driver stayed on the frontage road. This frontage road had a major rest stop and the driver slowed down. I remember saying, “Let me out! I will take my chances from here.” So it seems we had all gotten in the van under the impression that it was a shuttle van that would take us where we all intended to go, but the bad guy, Jean Claude Van Damme, had fooled us and instead had other plans for us.

The driver slowed down and stopped. I got out of the van and encouraged more people to get out with me. The driver tried to make me think we wouldn’t make it at the rest stop, but I didn’t care. I was going inside and I was going to call my Momma. LOL! I had very little battery life on my cell phone, but as I walked into the rest stop I saw my aunt. Plus there were so many other people. I knew I had made a good decision to get out of that van, and I knew I along with the people who also got out, would be saved at that point.

When I woke up from that dream, I begin to pray. I didn’t even try to figure the dream out. I just started praying for those who are being held captive against their will. I prayed for those who have the option to say let me out, but are afraid that they may not be able to make it wherever they are let out. As I was in the middle of praying from my bed, my praise and worship music alarm automatically came on and I don’t even remember the song, but the singer sung about FREEDOM and captives being set free!!! I just started praising the Lord. I hadn’t even made it to the prayer closet yet!! It was confirmation that the dream had happened for me to pray for a situation that I didn’t even know about!

As I went into the prayer closet, I kept on praying. I prayed boldly! That dream coupled with my prayers allowed me to hear the Holy Spirit say this:

  • Receive It!

  • It’s already done!

As I was praising the Lord, I kept feeling so strongly in my heart that we stay stuck in darkness longer than God ever intended for us to stay. Then my pen got to moving and here’s what else I heard the Holy Spirit say:

When you received me as your Lord and Savior, you came out of darkness and into my marvelous light. The enemy wants you to think you have to pull yourself up. The enemy wants you to think it takes soooo much time to get out of darkness. But when you believe in Me, Jesus, your Lord and Savior, there is immediately no more darkness. When you believe in my death, burial, resurrection, and accept Me as your Lord and Savior you are living in the light and the light is living inside of you! You don’t have to fight your way out of darkness because I already did ALL THAT for you!

It’s already DONE FOR YOU. Stop trying to DIY your life as a believer, when I have already DONE IT FOR YOU!

Lord help me to write this blog so that every person who reads it will understand what this means.

Y’all, we are struggling on things in life that God has ALREADY delivered us from, we just have to receive the deliverance!! God has already healed us, delivered us from guilt and shame, set us free from sin, pulled us out of darkness, gotten us out of debt, given us the promotion, made a way out of no-way, but instead of us as believers simply receiving it, we are trying to DO IT OURSELVES (DIY)! This morning, all we need to do as believers is receive what the Lord has already done! That’s it! You don’t have to strive for it, fight for it, and dare I say it, you don’t have to hustle for it. I know. Everybody wants to be hustling. But what if I told you that you’re hustling for nothing. If God already did it for you, the enemy got you out here looking like a fool hustling for what is already yours. That’s just like showing up at place and putting in the work, not even realizing that you didn’t have to do anything, but pick up the check! It’s already done. It’s already paid for. It’s already yours.

We spend more time trying so hard to get something that a lot of times, if we just spend that same amount of time with the Lord, He will tell you that it’s already DONE FOR YOU. How different would you behave if you knew you were already free from something the enemy had you thinking was still bounding you? How different would you walk if you knew all you had to do was open your eyes and darkness would be gone because you have the light on the inside of you? How differently would you wake up if you knew your kids would be obedient and act righteously? How different would you be if you went to work knowing that every obstacle, every crazy email, every person who tried you, would all fail and not succeed? How different would you behave if everything was already worked out in your favor for that big project you’re working on or that business you’re establishing? As believers in Jesus Christ, all we need to do is RECEIVE all of this! If you’re not getting it, it means you either have a believing problem or a receiving problem. And I am willing to bet for most of us, it’s simply a receiving problem because we believe in Jesus!

I was looking for a scripture that would fit perfect for what the Lord gave me this morning and the Holy Spirit led me right to Andrew Womack Ministries website, where there is a full write up on this exact subject! Check it out. I believe it will take you further into understanding what the Holy Spirit gave me. But here is one line from the write up that really stood out for me:

It’s not a matter of trying to get God to move in your life; it’s a matter of you moving over into agreement with Him and receiving what He has already provided.

That’s so good y’all!! We got to stop allowing the enemy to suggest to us that it’s not already done and be able to ANSWER the enemy with scripture and words…GET OUT OF HERE SATAN WITH YOUR LIES because JESUS ALREADY DID IT FOR ME!! I AM VICTORIOUS!! IT IS ALREADY DONE!

So today, meditate on this one line: It’s already DONE FOR ME, thanks to Jesus.

Your Questions For Today:

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

Do you believe that everything God has for you, is already done for you?

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Jeremiah 7 and 8! It’s about obedience over sacrifice. Be sure to read the standout verse!!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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