Encouragement Ink

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Do’s and Don’ts

My Conversation With God

Hey Y’all!! I’m posting this blog from my mobile phone today and guess what? I am being forced to use a new app to do it! That means the blog will look different. But nothing will stop me from sharing My Conversation With God from Big Momma’s house this morning!

This morning I woke up from having an amazing Thanksgiving with my family. We praised the Lord and I was honored to pray for my family as we surrounded my uncle’s bed in a circle. The Holy Spirit took over and an amazing move of God happened in that room!! I am so thankful that my prayer life had prepped me for such a moment! It was humbling for me. What was most amazing is that God had showed me that moment before it happened!! His orchestration amazes me every single time!

This morning the Holy Spirit gave me these words after I read Isaiah 30 for the Scriptural Surprise!

  • Surrender your plans to Me.

  • Follow My instructions.

  • Obey My instructions.

  • Pay attention to My instructions.

  • Consult Me in all you do.

  • Don’t make plans contrary to My Will.

  • Don’t be rebellious.

  • Don’t put your trust in anyone but Me.

  • Always be forgiving.

  • Remain prayerful.

  • Focus on pleasing Me, not you.

  • Whatever instructions I give you to do, do them and do them when I say do them.

  • Don’t keep knowingly going the wrong way. It will end in destruction.

This morning I believe the Holy Spirit wanted to remind us of Do’s and Don’ts! We know what to do, so it’s best to do it and please God always!

Hearts and Hugs