Encouragement Ink

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Everything Works Together!

Everything Works Together!

Contemporary English Version


I want to start off this morning’s blog with a question for you. Did you pray this morning? I’d love to hear from you directly how praying in the morning has changed your life. Feel free to drop me a quick email at info@onassignmentbyGod.com.

Now, getting to my conversation with God this morning. I have to admit, I was a bit sleepy, but did you know when you pray to be used anyhow, the Holy Spirit will do it? We just have to invite Him right on in…sleepy and all. It amazes me because I know that it’s actually not me when I feel this power come over me and I start praying in the Spirit. God needs us. We give God PERMISSION to do His will on earth as it is in heaven (read The Lord’s Prayer) when we pray. I know that praying and writing and sharing our conversations is my responsibility and no matter how tired I am, God is depending on my obedience. That’s what the Holy Spirit told me this morning.

  • There is always a bigger vision and responsibility that your assignment fits into.

  • It won’t always make sense and you won’t always understand why I have you doing it, but trust Me. I can see what you can’t.

  • Do things in the exact order that I command.

As I read through today’s scriptural surprise, which was Numbers 2 and 3, it was all about organization. How the Lord told Moses and Aaron to organize the camps. He gave very specific instructions on how to do it. We serve the same God. He gives us assignments and very specific instructions on how to organize our lives. We sometime take matters into our own hands, and that’s when it gets out of order. When we follow God’s commands and His way (which is not our way), things work out. But as I was thinking about that this morning, Romans 8:28 came to my mind because as you know, we don’t always follow God’s instructions exactly. But I am so glad that God doesn’t waste ANYTHING! He will use our mistakes, our distractions, and our wrong paths, to get us right where He wants us…to accomplish His will.

I love how the message translation reads for Romans 8:28. It gives me so much relief in knowing that we don’t have to worry when we don’t get it all exactly right. We should definitely have it in our heart to do it right, but in case we misstep, we can be assured that God will use even the misstep!

I want to end today’s blog with two more questions for you today:

What is your assignment in this season?

What is God asking you to be responsible for?

Write down your answers. Pray about it. And stay focused on what God is calling you to do. Need some encouragement? Send me an email. I’d love to encourage you!

Have a blessed Friday!


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A Word from God.

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