Encouragement Ink

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Finish What You Started!

Finish What You Started!

New Living Translation


Do you realize that we are midway through the year of 2019? I don’t know about you, but I started this year with high hopes of it being different for me and guess what, it has been. On February 18th, I started waking up early to pray every day and my life has been changed ever since. During that prayer time, the Holy Spirit instructed me on March 27th to start this daily blog about my conversations with Him. So from February to July, I have prayed consistently every morning and I can tell you that I totally see the difference in my life. I have way more peace and I don’t stress like I used to. Sometimes stress will try to creep back in, but knowing that I pray everyday, it doesn’t even have room to last long. I have been writing this daily blog every day, except Sundays and it has been a blessing to me and others too.

Prayer and writing are the two things that I have committed to God to do consistently and they have been non negotiable in my life. I am amazed at all He has done with both. And check this out, both of them started off small. I started praying for 15 minutes a day and now I pray for an hour or more per day. I started writing this daily blog, and then wrote a whole book in 3 days (details are coming soon on the book because I heard the Holy Spirit say to me this morning, FINISH THE ASSIGNMENT)! Y’all the book is finished and published and ready to go…I just need to finish the assignment by releasing it! I heard Him say this morning: Don’t hold up the blessing with disobedience or procrastination.

Here’s what else me and the Holy Spirit talked about this morning:

  • Stay in tuned to my instructions.

  • Be ready for the suddenly!

  • Jesus (I kept saying His name over and over while praying because I knew it was making any demons that were trying to distract me, tremble! Remember, we don’t have to deal with a defeated devil)!

  • Just do what I have told you to do. Don’t make it hard.

  • Don’t hold up the blessing with disobedience or procrastination.

  • Finish the assignment.

  • Delegate or do it yourself, but either way, keep moving forward to the finish.

  • Honor the time you have and use it wisely.

  • Rest when it’s time to rest and work when it’s time to work. Don’t get those times mixed up.

The scriptural surprise is from the book of Psalms. I read chapters 1-5. The standout verses today for me were Psalms 5:3 and Psalms 5:8.

Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3

Lead me in the right path, O Lord, or my enemies will conquer me. Tell me clearly what to do and show me which way to turn. Psalm 5:8

I pray that you reflect on the first six months of 2019 to see how far God has brought you so that you can keep striving toward the finish line. Write down what God has done already in the first six months.

Next year starts a whole new decade and I believe as my pastor has prophetically stated, these last 6 months are major preparation and seed time for the harvest to come in the new decade. YES DECADE!! 2020 is the beginning of a new decade. Whatever God is telling you to do right now…DO IT! Finish what you started this year because it will reap a harvest in this next decade!!

Be encouraged to keep pushing to the finish!


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A Word from God.