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God Wants You To Be Reminded

God Wants You To Be Reminded!

Contemporary English Translation


Last night I slept on the sofa. So when my praise music alarm went off, there was no negotiations with my sofa to just lay there. I mean not one single one. I got right on up to pray. LOL! I don’t know who needs to hear this, but maybe you need to shift your resting place temporarily so that God can do something different for your prayer life. I went into the prayer closet ready. I even said, Holy Spirit, I don’t want to pray in routine, use me in a whole different way. And guess wha? That’s exactly what happened. I prayed without hesitation this morning!!!

Oh yeah, the reason I was on the sofa (because I know yall like…girl why you slept on the sofa) was because I purchased a new mattress. I bought one of those mattresses that requires up to 72 hours to fully inflate (it was one of those mattresses that’s shipped shrink wrapped in a box). I know for some of you, that’s mind blowing. But technology is amazing. You can get a mattress these days without renting a Uhaul or your friend’s truck. LOL!!

Now I was tempted to sleep on the new mattress because it “looked” like it was ready, but the instructions from the manufacturer said WAIT. I don’t know who that was for, but whatever God (our manufacturer) is instructing you to do in this season…DO IT!

This morning, the Holy Spirit kept giving me the word, REMINDER. I started praying for us to be REMINDED of our purpose, REMINDED of our mission, REMINDED of our calling, and REMINDED of our instructions from God.

Here is what me and the Holy Spirit talked about today. He said:

  • Ask me what I last said to you and I will remind you of what I want you to do.

  • You don’t need to feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask Me what I said.

  • Ignore naysayers or people who don’t have a relationship with me, that’s keeping you from doing what I said.

  • Ignore people who try to tell you what they think you should do, and they don’t talk to Me daily.

  • Don’t let distractions keep you from writing down what I say to you during this time of reminding.

  • Stop feeling guilty for being disobedient. That’s the enemy, not Me. I am a forgiving Father.

  • Come back to me and just ask me for forgiveness first and then say, “Father, can you remind me of what you told me to do?”

  • Always talk to Me about it.

  • I care more about your willing heart than your missteps.

  • I love you no matter what.

  • My desire for you, is to be obedient to My Word.

  • When I woke you up this morning, I was giving you another opportunity to serve Me, obey Me, and follow Me.

  • Don’t worry about what you didn’t do yesterday. I gave you today.

  • Ask Me what you should do today. I will tell you.

  • Get still and you will hear my voice. Write down what I say. Then go do it.

Don’t you just love how patient God is with us? I am a living testimony of His unfailing love and patience. He will wait on us, but know that He prefers when we just do what He asks us to do, when He asks us to do it. We miss some of God’s divine timing when we do things in our own timing. I know for me, when He gives me instructions, He gives me the timetable to do it as well. So listen for His full instructions and write it down so you can remember.

This morning I asked the Holy Spirit to show me a scripture with the word reminder in it. So I flipped open my Bible randomly like I always do for the Scriptural Surprise, and I landed in the book of Ezekiel. Not the beginning part of Ezekiel either. I landed in chapter 41. As I begin to read about The New Temple and all its measurements, I was like…uhmmm Holy Spirit, do I need to flip again? LOL! But I kept reading. Chapter 41. Nothing but more layouts. It was like I was reading Architectural Digest for the Temple. All kinds of measurements. I was probably even saying the measurements wrong (meh…measurements is not quite my strong area). I kept reading though. Chapter 42 was more like HGTV Showcase of the Temple. I kept on reading. I was almost convinced that I would have to redo the Scriptural Surprise, and then chapter 43, verses 10-12 happened. Now if you open your Bible (New Living Translation), you will see that it says way more than what I am about to highlight right now. But for me, the Holy Spirit showed me these specific words in verse 11:

Write down all the specifications and directions so they will be sure to remember them. Now of course, the verse says more and I even replaced ‘they’ with ‘you’. That’s right. I made it personal. So the revelation in that verse was the Holy Spirit answering my request! I had asked for a scripture with the word reminder in it and this was it!

Write down all the specifics and directions so you will be sure to remember them. That’s how the Holy Spirit answered me through the Word of God. Isn’t that amazingly awesome!!! I just love it!

Of course I felt somewhat compelled to go back to the beginning of Ezekiel to read just so I could get a better understanding of the context of the book. Other verses that stood out were: chapter 3, verses 10 and 27. I want to encourage you to read the Word of God, so check out the book of Ezekiel and see what the Holy Spirit reveals to you.

I pray you take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of your purpose, your mission, your calling, and the last instructions you were given to complete.

Happy Thursday!



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