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It's Time To Push Away From the Dock!

God’s Word.


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It's Time To Push Away From the Dock! Fon Strong James

In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog!! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!

Sometimes when I hear myself praying, I am amazed at where God has brought me from. As yall who read the blog know, I have always prayed, but my audible prayers have continued to progress in such a way that amazes me. I know without a doubt that the Holy Spirit is USING ME during prayer time, and not just when I am praying in the Spirit, but also in my known tongue. This was one of those bold praying mornings!!! And something that I noticed….when I go into the closet praising the Lord and with music ALREADY playing, the atmosphere is set immediately! Now sometimes I go in dragging and it takes a minute. Why? Because I am not entering in with praise on my mouth. I am actually thinking about how tired I am. Real talk y’all! I am there, but it takes a minute for the atmosphere to shift. But oh thanks be to God that He reveals to me the patterns. So I can be even more intentional about how I ENTER IN! (Psalm 100:4) Come on Jesus!

So this morning as I was praying, I heard the Holy Spirit say:

  • I have been giving you clues.

  • I have been revealing to you the things I want you to do.

  • Recall the calls.

  • Recall the text messages.

  • What are the people of God asking you for?

  • It’s time to push away from the dock.

  • I AM with you in the boat.

  • You can’t see all that I have for you, until you push away from the dock!!!!!

  • I gave you ideas to pursue…DO THEM!

  • The overflow will come when you take action on the idea that I GAVE YOU!!

I don’t know about y’all but MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD!! The Lord was making it clear and plain to me this morning! I felt like He put emphasis on the word “been” when He said, “I BEEN giving you clues. I BEEN revealing to you the things that I want you to do!”

See I know from experience that procrastination and hesitation is one of the ways the enemy tries to hinder my progress. The enemy doesn’t have new strategies. He uses the same on strategies and if you peep his patterns, you will notice that it is always the same stuff that tries to trip you up. It may be a new day. It may be a new season. It may be a new job. It may be a new relationship. It may be a new church. It may be a new friend. But the devil always comes with the same old stuff!

Procrastination and hesitation can be traced back to my childhood, my school days, my college days, my post college days, my career, my marriage, my relationships, and my gift! Lord Jesus! Think about that! My gift from God is writing. So what better way to hinder me than with the strategy of procrastination. Same ole strategy from the enemy, right? But there is this overwhelming sense of accomplishment when I DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME! See that’s been my favorite verse since I was in college. Every time I would execute immediately, the blessings would come. Every time I didn’t sit around overthinking, things happened for my good. Every time I would speak up immediately, atmospheres changed. And notice what I said earlier (thank you Holy Spirit), when I enter into the prayer closet with praise on my mouth, the atmosphere is ALREADY set and there is no delay, no procrastination, no hesitation!! Y’all listening to me this morning! See I am victorious when I BEGIN immediately. When I do it RIGHT THEN. When I ENTER IN intentionally.

The Lord told me this morning that it’s time to push away from the dock. Now I can do one of two things:

  1. Sit at the dock of the bay watching the tide roll away (LOL) like Otis Redding; overthink about how to push away from the dock or where I am going when I push away or what storms I may face when I get out into the deep or all kinds of hesitational and procrastinational thoughts (I just made those words up).

  2. Trust God and push out immediately and know that He is IN THE BOAT and will navigate me, protect me from the storm (you know He can command the wind and the waves); and get me to the destination that He wants me to be at. And it will be a smooth ride in faith no matter what the boat may face! Come on Jesus!! (Matthew 8:23-26)

Is the Lord telling you that it’s time to stop procrastinating on the ideas and assignments that He gave you? Is it time for your ideas to be worked on and executed on immediately? But I hear you out there. You’re like, I don’t know where to start. YES YOU DO! That’s a lie from the devil. If I got on the phone with you and said, what did God tell you to do? You would answer me. Then before you even utter, “but I don’t have a clue how to start,” and then the Holy Spirit uses ME to give you the clue, then you’re on your way. See the enemy don’t want you to talk to people like me who the Holy Spirit can use to speak directly to you. What do you think this blog is all about? It definitely ain’t about me. God is speaking to me and to you! Some of you have moved on things simply because you read this blog!!! So what does that mean?

It means that you are to pray, hear from God and stay connected to other people who hear from Him as well. I have said it before, God will send you some new friends that will push out what He put in you! I am one of those friends. God is using me to get a word to you! And today’s word is: It’s time to push away from the dock! It’s time to execute on the ideas that He gave you. It’s time to just do it without knowing how. He will send the right people to give you clues. He will send people that will reveal it to you.

When He said to me this morning to, “recall the calls and recall the text messages,” I started remembering all the reasons people have called and texted me lately and guess what all of them revolve around…PRAYER! I have been asked to pray for folks more than ever before. I have been asked to help people with their books more than ever before. I have been asked to help with marketing Kingdom business more than ever before. I have been asked to help with setting up websites, coaching packages, and all the things that I have experience in. Why? Because first of all, God doesn’t waste anything. Everything I have been through, He is using for His Kingdom!

And the one area that often keeps tripping me out is people asking me to pray…IN PUBLIC at events!! Now I ain’t gonna lie, every time someone asks, I look like, who me? I make faces and everything! But then I realize that God didn’t let me build a consistent prayer life for me to keep to myself. He wants to use ME to demonstrate what it looks like in the natural to wake up at 5 a.m. every single day and pray in the Spirit for 1 hour. He wants to use me to demonstrate the depth of our relationship. I do it here on the blog. And I do it when I pray in public. He wants PDA from me: Public Displays of Affection for Him. And guess what…I am pushing away from the dock and being obedient. I am pushing away from the dock to be On Assignment By God.

Audio Blog Music: I’m In Love


  1. What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. What is it time for you to push away from the dock and do?

Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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