Encouragement Ink

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Just So Happened!

Just So Happened!

Contemporary English Version


Has anything ever, just so happened to you before? You know, you’re pulling into the grocery store parking lot after a long hard day, and just so happened, a person pulls out of the first space closest to the door! Or you are in line at Starbucks and the person in front of you just so happens to pay for your order? Or it starts raining after you get into the office and you just so happened to bring your umbrella inside? Or you show up at a place and it just so happened that you see someone that you haven’t seen in a while, or my favorite… traffic just so happened to be clear when you were running late for an appointment? You get the point. In life, we have all experienced moments where things seem to just so happen to us. Now you noticed that I didn’t include any negative moments and that just so happened to be intentional and on purpose.

This morning I got up to pray before 5 a.m.! Well I technically was up, but not out of the bed, but I began to pray anyway as I lay there looking at the ceiling. The news was on in the background and I found myself just praying for all the death and destruction going on in our world. Prayers are needed daily y’all and we are the ones here are on earth to do it! But anyway, I was already awake when my praise alarm went off. At that point, I just began to worship with the songs. I got up and made my way to the prayer closet because I felt like I didn’t need to wait any longer to fully get in His presence. I prayed some mighty prayers and even went all over my house praying this morning. You know sometimes you got to move around and move out of the prayer closet and pray through every room of your home. Of course I came back to the prayer closet because it’s like my prayer base (LOL).

I prayed in the spirit for much longer this morning, and then I read some prayers from my Prayers that Rout Demons book. Before I opened my bible for the scriptural surprise, I remembered an assignment from one of the life groups I joined recently. She asked us to identify three people from the bible that you most identify with. I prayed, Lord show me who I identify with in the bible. Y’all when I opened up my bible RANDOMLY…did you hear what I said…RANDOMLY…it JUST SO HAPPENED to open to the first chapter of RUTH!!! Baaaaabbbyyy I could have fallen off my stool! I got so tickled at the Holy Spirit and was like…really? LOL! RUTH! I was smiling like cheshire cat! I couldn’t wait to see how the Holy Spirit was going to show me how I was like Ruth. And I know everyone knows Ruth as the one who Boaz married, but y’all, God revealed so much to me reading this chapter of Ruth!! And here I was thinking that I had already studied Ruth!! LOL! I love how the Holy Spirit wows me with new revelations! The bible will come alive if you open it up and ask God to show you what He wants you to see in that moment!

Okay so first of all, God is faithful for just giving me what I asked for instantly. But let me show you what me and the Holy Spirit were conversing about, and how I identify with Ruth:

  • She was insistent and wouldn’t take no for an answer when her mother-in-law tried to get her to go back to her parents after her husband had died. (P.S. I have a very insistent personality. LOL!). Ruth had made up her mind that she was going with her mother-in-law Naomi and that was that! Ruth 1:15-18

  • Ruth didn’t just sit around. She went out looking for work. (P.S. That’s me, I have had many jobs and don’t mind working at all) Ruth 2:2.

  • Ruth just so happened to be blessed to work in the right field. (The part that I like is the just so happened part). Ruth 2:3.

  • Ruth was very appreciative and thankful for the kindness of Boaz. Ruth 2:10

  • Ruth was hopeful. Ruth 2:13

  • Ruth found favor with Boaz and he gave her more food than she could eat. AND he PURPOSELY had his people to drop extra barley for her to gather! Ruth 2:16.

  • Ruth put in work all day and didn’t complain. Ruth 2:17

  • Ruth was appropriate with Boaz and didn’t try to throw herself on him because he was showing her so much favor. Ruth 3:7

  • Ruth said from her mouth: I AM YOUR SERVANT. Ruth 3:9

  • Ruth just so happened to be in the right place.

Boaz married Ruth and she got pregnant and had a son named Obed. Obed was the father of Jesse. Jesse was the father of David, who we all know became King David!

What did I get from this awesome bible reading this morning with the Holy Spirit? I got this. Ruth’s insistence, hard work, servant’s heart, and obedience allowed God to use her to be a part of His bigger plan and purpose. And even though it seems like it just so happened for her to be in Boaz’s field, God knew exactly what would happen for Ruth and through Ruth. And I absolutely love love love that God was able to use Ruth in her second marriage in a mighty way!! Yeah, that part! Insert super big smile on my face!! I definitely identify with Ruth for many reasons, and I also see some areas where I can improve to be more like Ruth.

I pray this blog has been a blessing to you like it has to me!!! I’m still tickled at God.

I am on my way to Tulsa, OK for the Version 1 Conference at Transformation Church! I am super excited and my expectations are super high of what the Holy Spirit will do in these few days! Of course I will share it in the blog…as God leads me!

Happy Tuesday!!

P.S. Hey guess what y’all!!! The New Permission Slips Prayer Journal is NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD!!! It’s the perfect companion to the new book Permission Slips! Get your new digital prayer journal here! And if you haven’t gotten the book, definitely get that too! Let’s get God’s permission in everything!




If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.


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A Word from God.

I am ready to sign my New Book Permission Slips! Order yours today! Bookclub Discussion coming soon!

Check out my new book release!!