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Meant to Be Together!

God’s Word.


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Meant to Be Together! Fon Strong James

In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog!! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!

You were never meant to do life alone. Did you know that? When you were born, there was someone there to help you. For some of us it was parents, grandparents, or someone who cared enough to carry out the responsibility of raising you. You were never meant to just be born and left alone. Even those who were born and intentionally left alone were rescued by someone who cared.

This morning as I was praying, I heard the word tandem and I had a vision of a tandem bike. I heard the Lord say: Let’s do it together every time.

I don’t know about you, but as I continue to grow and deepen my relationship with God, the more I realize that there is nothing that I can do without Him doing it with me, for me, through me, or in me! And there is nothing too small for God! Sometimes we think we can do it by ourselves. Like we don’t need nobody to help us. But God never meant for us to do life alone. He even said it in Genesis 2:18:

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18 NIV

See you can choose to isolate yourself and be alone, but the Lord says it’s not a good thing for you to do. It’s not a way you should live. You were never meant to do life alone. Now I know, some people think that means everyone is supposed to be married. That’s not what it says. You can do life with family, friends, and your church community. Many churches today have life groups, belong groups, or community groups where people come together on a common cause, while also deepening their relationship with God as a collective. I participate in several at my church and they have been the lynch pin to an explosive life of divine connections. Now when I first did a life group, I didn’t quite connect. To be honest, I don’t even know if my mindset was intentional on connecting. I was quite distracted in my life at the time, so while I would attend the meet-ups, I didn’t connect. Distractions kept me from connecting. Don’t be like I was and allow distractions to keep you from connecting with the right people who are also trending in the same direction as you.

The Holy Spirit said: Do everything in tandem with me.

I also heard Him say, “Don’t kick me off the bike once you reach your destination. See we don’t want to be the ones USING God and then when we get the prayer answered, we veer away from Him or act like we don’t need Him anymore. That’s just like getting back on the tandem bike without Him. You pedaling but you’re not getting anywhere. Why? Because you’re meant to have Jesus pedaling right along with you. Imagine yourself on a tandem bike alone? You working harder. You’re looking crazy. And you ain’t going no where. And some of us totally put the tandem bike down and pick up a single rider bike. We think we can do it on our own. We can make it with our education, our skills, our talents, our grit. Right? WRONG!! You can’t! All you have to do is think about all the times you tried to do life alone. Did you get where you were going? Naw! You didn’t! I don’t care what milestone you have reached, somebody helped you get there. And I pray that it was the Holy Spirit.

And finally, the Holy Spirit said one other thing to me. Now it doesn’t relate to tandem, but then again, He may reveal it later that it actually does. He said: “Stop counting the months. You are not on a natural timeline, it’s a spiritual timeline!!!

Okay, I know exactly what He is talking about FOR ME and as I am writing this blog, He is saying, and I am not only talking about that thing Fon. I am talking about in every way that you are trying to count the months. Things won’t happen on your timeline. Things won’t happen in a typical timeline. Things won’t happen for you as it happened for others. Trust my timeline. Trust my pace. Trust that with me, you will arrive at your destination ON MY TIME…and we will do it together!

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6.

Thank you Jesus that we are meant to be together!

P.S. When I was getting off of my knees this morning in the prayer closet, I said, “thank you Jesus” and Siri said, “You’re welcome!” on my Apple Watch! All I could do was smile and laugh! God can use anything to confirm that He heard you…even an Apple Watch!

Audio Blog Music: I Don’t Need You by Andy Mineo


  1. What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. Have you invited God to take the ride with you for this journey called life?

  3. What area of your life are you still trying to ride solo?

Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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