Encouragement Ink

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Move With No Hesitation!

Move With No Hesitation!

New Living Translation


It’s Saturday morning. I got up around 5 a.m. but decided I could sleep later today since I didn’t have a school schedule to follow and the kids are gone for the weekend. I got back in the bed and just laid there listening to praise and worship music and of course I dozed back off to sleep. The Holy Spirit woke me up and I looked at the clock and figured I had enough time to pray for an hour and get the blog written and published. So I kept laying there. Finally, time crept up on me even more and I got up. I was still thinking…oh I have enough time to get everything done. But I am writing this blog at this very moment so fast because I want to get it done by 9 a.m. central time. If you’re a subscriber (and I hope you are), the blog is set to automatically go out via email at that time, so in order for you to receive it by 9 a.m. every day (except Sunday), I must have it done before 9. So I pray it gets out on time today. {Editorial Note: I didn’t make it in time}.

Now with all that being said, guess what the Holy Spirit said to me after I prayed and asked for Him to speak to me? He said, No Hesitation. When I say move, move. When I say do this, do it. Don’t hesitate in following my instructions and obeying My Word.




Y’all, so when that was all I got, I even hesitated to just put that on the blog! I was like…Holy Spirit is there more? I even came out of the prayer closet to see if shifting my position would allow me to hear more from Him. I also grabbed a cup of coffee (remember my post earlier this week about Coffee Conversations with God). And I immediately felt this ease about the blog, but I was still pushing for time. As I sat down to write, I sipped a few sips of the hot coffee and heard, don’t hesitate getting up anymore, because I could have given you more, but you didn’t give Me enough time. WOOOOOOOOW! Now I had prayed for an hour y’all, but I was kinda rushing the Holy Spirit to give me a Word because I didn’t factor in time to hear everything AND get the blog out.

So today, I want to encourage you as I encourage myself, give the Lord all the time and don’t hesitate to get up! It’s officially 9 a.m. and I am still writing the blog. So nope, it won’t go out automatically today and I will have to email all the subscribers myself, all because I hesitated to get on up. What are you hesitating on that the Holy Spirit has instructed you to do?

As I was preparing for this blog, I researched scriptures that talked about hesitation and found this article that was really good in explaining how to know when God is telling you something to do. In the article it said, ‘If scripture commands something of us, there’s no need to hesitate and wonder if it’s really God’s will for us. He cares so much about us that He already gave a plain and clear guidebook to life - the Bible.’

This morning in my haste to get this blog out before 9 a.m. to meet the automatic send deadline, I started even wondering if anyone is even reading the blog on Saturdays. I was like, maybe I should look at the data and see. Then I immediately heard, I told you to do this everyday except Sunday, so don’t worry about the data.

Bottomline today y’all…someone is waiting on your obedience and if you hesitate for one second, you could miss out on ALL that God has for you, and the person that was intended to receive it, could also miss out altogether. But I am thankful for God being a redeemer and I pray that this blog reaches all of its intended eyes today or whenever someone reads it.

Scriptural Surprise today comes from Daniel 2-4. I just love this story of how Daniel interprets the King’s dreams and how his pals get thrown into the fire because they didn’t hesitate to stand firm on their beliefs of worshipping no other gods, when the kind asked them to bow down to a gold statue. Go read Daniel, chapters 2-4 and see what the Holy Spirit reveals to you!

Have a Happy Saturday and remember…no hesitation when the Holy Spirit says GO!

P.S. I looked up the definition for hesitate and was curious how it was different from procrastinate. Here’s what Google told me: As verbs the difference between procrastinate and hesitate is that procrastinate is to put off; to delay taking action; to wait until later while hesitate is to stop or pause respecting decision or action; to be in suspense or uncertainty as to a determination.



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A Word from God.

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