Encouragement Ink

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Nothing, Except...

God’s Word


“Stop looking OUT for what’s already IN” ~ Holy Spirit

Over the past week, I realized some things about the enemy. He knows me. He knows my vulnerabilities and he knows exactly where to hit me where it hurts. Yes the enemy still tries to attack me because I am chosen by God. I was going through some old notes yesterday and found a note that said: Satan will oppose what God chose! Now I can’t even tell you who said this because I watch so many sermons and listen to so many teachings that I didn’t write down who said it. Most likely it came from Word of Life (my local church), Transformation Church (my online church), or one of the many awesome pastors/teachers I follow on YouTube. LOL!! That’s didn’t help at all. But the point is this…the enemy will always oppose you, because you are chosen by God. And as soon as I got up this morning, that question popped on my mind: Do you know the tactics the enemy uses specifically on me (You)? And then I started thinking, what scriptures do I (You) use to fight the enemy and shut him down?

Now, getting to the more in-depth conversation me and the Holy Spirit had this morning because I think that was just the PRE-CONVERSATION as I was making my way to the prayer closet. Listen y’all, the enemy be on you when you choose to follow the plan of God and when you choose to wake up and have a conversation with God. I was thinking how the enemy uses sleep SO MUCH as a tactic. Think about it. You be sleepy in church. You be sleepy when you open your Bible. You be sleepy when you saying your prayers. You be soooo sleepy when it’s time to get out the bed to pray. You see what I am saying? I was thinking how the enemy used to really get me back in the day with that spirit of narcolepsy every time I tried to elevate my spiritual muscles. But today, he can’t use that spirit of narcolepsy because I gets up (ya hear me). The 1 Hour Prayer Challenge conquered that narcoleptic spirit!! LOL!

But you know what I peeped game on (of myself)? The enemy has always been able to distract me when my relationships were not on the up and up. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about the people themselves, because to be honest, they don’t even know that the enemy is using them most of the time because he certainly doesn’t ask them can he use them. He slithers his way into their thoughts and if they aren’t familiar with the tactics of the enemy, they are straight up being used unknowingly!!

So this morning, as those thoughts popped into my head as I was headed to the prayer closet, I realized that it’s something we need NOT ignore. We need to know what tactics and strategies the enemy uses and I am willing to bet you, it’s something you have struggled with for a long time. That means you’ve probably dealt with it off and on, had some minor success, but you haven’t fully conquered it. Can I tell you something? The only way to conquer an evil spirit once and for all, is to deal with it spiritually! That means the whole armor of God must be ON YOU and the Holy Spirit IN YOU! That’s how you fight the enemy. And of course the whole armor of God includes the WORD OF GOD!

Okay, so I hope y’all are still rocking with me, because none of what I just said is in my journal!!!! HA HA HA!! That’s what happens when you give the Lord permission to write the blog!!

But hang with me because you’re going to really appreciate my conversation with God this morning about multiplied blessings and debt free living. See, you’re already like, girl come on with it!! I’m ready for it!! LOL!

When I opened my Bible for the Scriptural Surprise, I flipped to 2 Kings 4. Yup, that is one mighty chapter in the book of 2 Kings! I actually love this chapter and no it was not already bookmarked. HA!! The Scriptural Surprise really IS a surprise to me! And I know without a doubt that it’s exactly what God wants me to focus on for the day.

As I read it, the Lord said this to me:

  • Whatever you need is already in the house AND it’s enough to pay off your debts and live on the rest (2 Kings 4:7)

  • Stop looking OUT for what’s already IN!

  • There is nothing outside of Me (Your Lord and Savior) that will change your situation or your circumstances.

  • Trust what’s on the INside of you as a believer in Me.

  • I am the God of more than enough.

  • There is no lack in Me!

Now of course I got excited about what the Lord was saying to me!!! I am establishing a business right now and the Lord wanted me to know that everything I need is already IN me because greater is He that is IN ME than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). So there is nothing that I need OUT THERE. Everything I need to pay off my debts and everything I need to live on, is ALREADY inside of my house!! WOO WEEE!!! YES GOD!!

Dr. Tony Evans study notes said this: Blessings comes when we respond to His Word with faith and obedience. God is God, and we are not!

Now you know that is a moment to shout and give God praise right there. If you’re not shouting and praising God every single day, your blessings are being held up. He inhabits the praise of His people (Psalm 22:3) and when we praise God, He shows His salvation toward us (Psalm 50:23). I love how the Passion Translation says it:

The life that pleases me is a life lived in the gratitude of grace, always choosing to walk with me in what is right. This is the sacrifice I desire from you. If you do this, more of my salvation will unfold for you.” Psalm 50:23 TPT

Now, that we know God desires our praises, let me keep going. As I read 2nd Kings, chapter 4, the Holy Spirit gave me an outline of how to receive multiplied blessings and debt-free living:

  1. Cry out to the Lord for help.

  2. Fear the Lord and be connected to people who fear the Lord (don’t marry someone who doesn’t fear the Lord).

  3. Be able to tell what you need when asked.

  4. Be aware of your inventory (i.e. what’s in you? what’s in your house?)

  5. Be able to listen to the instructions given prophetically to you and follow them specifically and immediately (2 Kings 4:5).

  6. Do the work and God will put his super on your natural. God will bless the work of your hands.

  7. Go sell the multiplied inventory.

  8. Receive the multiplied blessing.

  9. Pay off your debts (This is important! Don’t just get the multiplied money and lose control!) 2 Kings 4:7

  10. Live on the rest of the blessing! (2 Kings 4:7).

These 10 steps are scriptural backed up in 2 Kings 4: 1-7. Now for some reason, step number 9 really stood out to me. I am going to be honest right now and tell you that I believe some of my lingering debt is because I didn’t do THIS STEP. I have done steps 1-8 and God has blessed me MULTIPLE times with multiplied blessings, but because of fear of lack or not trusting God to do it over and over and over again, I have held money and made payments on the debt verses paying it off. (Ohh wee, Lord this is for me. And if it’s for you, you better catch it!!).

Lord I hear you right now saying, Pay off the debts Fon when I give you the money to do so. Being disobedient has kept you in debt and a slave to the lender. You can’t live off the money that was meant to pay off your debts!!!! JESUS!! I am over here screaming!!! I want to just run around this house. Lord I hear you. I repent for not doing what you told me to the with the money!

Y’all the reason why more money is not coming to you is because you didn’t do what God told you to do the last time he blessed you with money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO WEE!!! Help us Lord to be obedient and follow the steps specifically!!

And going back to what I said earlier…the enemy knows your weaknesses. He knows how to get into your head and make you think that the blessing God gave you will run out so you better not do what he said fully. The enemy will make you think you got to do something ungodly to get the money. Or he will put it in your head to keep some to the side (not Godly saving), but more like tight-fisted ungodly saving. He will have you thinking you shouldn’t pay off the debt because you may not hit another lick like that again. That’s a lie from the pits of hell y’all. The enemy is straight up lying to you! And here is the scripture to prove it: But they who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing. Psalm 34:10. This means God is the source and will always be the source. Any lick you hitting that ain’t from God won’t last no way. God is the source! He owns it all!! All we have to do is seek Him and be obedient. And He will pour it out for us!

Now when I was looking for the above verse (Psalm 34:10) because I don’t know all the scriptures yet (but I know enough to Google partial verses), the Holy Spirit led me to another blog post that I think is sooooo good! I am going to link it here because it really takes you even deeper into the verse and will give you even more scripture to help you thwart the lies of the enemy! Here is the post. Be sure to read it! I am personally going to bookmark it because it’s that good!!!

Check out the questions for today and answer them in your journal.

Pray. Listen. Write. Obey.

Your Questions For Today:

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

Do you know what you already have in you?

Do you know the tactics the enemy uses specifically on you?

What scriptures do you use to fight the enemy specifically as it relates to how he attacks YOU?

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is 2 Kings 4. It’s about the widowed woman who’s oil was multiplied. I encourage you to read the entire chapter!! It’s all good!!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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