Encouragement Ink

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Out of Order

Out of Order

Contemporary English Version


This morning I didn’t wake up at 5. I slept in and then got up and got the kids prepared for school and out of the house. I prayed for them before they left but it wasn’t my actual 1 hour prayer time. The enemy tried to make me feel guilty about sleeping in but it didn’t work. I knew as soon as those kids left, I was headed to the prayer closet.

One of things I said to God this morning was, Lord I thank you that even though I am late for my early morning appointment, you will STILL go ahead and take the appointment with me! You will never turn me around and say you missed it or come back later. You were there just waiting patiently on me!! That was an encouraging moment for me this morning because I know that the enemy wanted me to THINK my prayers wouldn’t go forth or that God was angry with me. He is not angry with me or you when we are late. But one thing the Holy Spirit DID allow me to see is that I needed to make sure that I understood why I slept in and to remind me that an early bedtime is still important to my early morning prayer time. Got it!

As a side note, I’m using my phone to write the blog today. It’s always kind of weird to do it this way because it’s not as easy as my desktop, but my computer was acting up. I said a prayer, shut the computer down, and got my phone out. Nothing will stop me… I’m all the way up and my feet have touched the ground. The devil trying me this morning but he has been put on notice and sent back to the pits of hell where he needs to stay!

Okay, now, getting to the good good!! This morning I got a mighty word from the Lord! Man y’all, it is so good! I pray that I can write it the way the Holy Spirit gave it to me. I was shouting in the prayer closet with it! I said this message right here will preach! I may can be a Holy Ghost writer for a preacher (like the rappers be doing) 😂😂.

So this morning, I felt it big in my heart to ask for forgiveness for even talking about things Out of Order. I was having a conversation with a friend and jokingly talked about some things that were out of order or more specifically, out of sequence.

You remember the the childhood K-I-S-S-I-N-G song we used to sing as kids: First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage? Well me thinking of that song is when the Holy Spirit used an out of order vending machine to show me something about sequence and order this morning. Here’s what He said:

  • Don’t try to get something from disorder or a thing that’s out of order.

  • Do things decently and in order (my grandmother always says, “get some order about yourself”)

  • Don’t talk about things out of order because then your mind will start to focus on the thing so much that you forget the order in which you should do the thing in.

  • The Bible gives the order.

  • The Holy Spirit will order your steps.

  • Stop putting money into machines that are out of order because whatever you are trying to get, will be stuck, and just leave you hanging and frustrated. Plus you lose your money!!

  • If you find yourself angry at the circumstances of being stuck, call the manufacturer. When he shows up, he will give your money back and fix the machine so that it can drop down what you wanted and all you have to do is grab it. But that will only happen when the manufacture/vendor who has the KEY to the machine shows up. He won’t show up until you call him!!

Y’all this word was so good to me. I could clearly see what the Holy Spirit was dropping down to me using this vending machine analogy!

You see, some of us are putting all we have into a thing that’s out of order, and you’re wasting time and money on it and ain’t nothing coming out of it.

God is saying stop investing in things that you KNOW are out of order!!!! Jesus!! Help us Lord! Help me to write it like you gave it to me Lord.

We are investing into relationships that are out of order. We are investing into engagements for marriages that are out of order. We are investing into friendships that are out of order. We are investing into businesses that are out of order. We are investing into jobs that are out of order. And for many of us…there is a big sign on the relationship, engagements, friendships, businesses, and jobs that says OUT OF ORDER!!! But we are still putting our money into them anyway, because somehow we think, well I see what I want and it’s right there. Maybe if I pray over it and put my money into it, something will come out of it!!

NOOOOOO Ma’am! NOOOOO Sir! Ain’t nothing about to come out. Your money about to be stuck and you are wasting your time shaking the machine. You hurting yourself physically trying to get it out. You are hurting yourself mentally trying to get something out of a situation that is OUT OF ORDER!!!

Image from Google

As we start the last week of August (a month of new beginnings), my prayer is that you will seek God for the proper order to do things in your life. There is a certain order for everything we are doing and if you sit for a moment and reflect, you will notice that everything that you did out of order was a waste of money and time. God is a redeemer of time and when you surrender your life back to Him, you can begin to live the life He created for you to live. A life of things flowing in order!

Before I go, scriptural surprise was Matthew 23-25. Go read your Bible and get a Word. The order for life is in the Word of God. Go read it!!

Have a blessed and orderly Monday!!!!


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A Word from God.

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