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Pause for Permission!

Pause for Permission

King James Version


This morning as I was praying, I heard the Holy Spirit say, pause for permission! Of course any time I hear the word permission, my ears perk up! And yes it’s totally because of my new book entitled, Permission Slips! Duh! LOL!

Here’s what else the Holy Spirit said to me in our conversation this morning during prayer time:

  • When you want to pursue something, pray and pause for my permission.

  • Read My word for permission.

  • Listen to me in prayer for permission.

  • When you don’t hear me, it doesn’t mean I am saying “no”

  • You will hear either yes, no, or not right now (i.e. wait).

  • When you can’t hear me, it means you need to get still and lean in more. It means seek me even more.

  • Sometimes I am more focused on the process of you hearing from me, than just quickly giving you the answer you’re listening for. But rest assured, I will still answer you.

  • Don’t miss an opportunity because it comes packaged differently than you expected. Seek me to confirm the package, and I will tell you if I sent it or not.

This morning, the scriptural surprise was 1 Kings 2. The stand out verse was 1 Kings 2:3. In my New Living Translation bible it read like this:

Observe the requirements of the Lord your God and follow all his ways. Keep each of the laws, commands, regulations, and stipulations written in the law of Moses so that you will be successful in all you do and wherever you go. 1 Kings 2:3 New Living Translation

When you look at that verse, coupled with what the Holy Spirit said, it’s clear that we are to wait on God’s permission for everything we do. We are to observe the requirements of the Lord. When I looked up the word ‘observe’ on Google, it means to notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant. That means when we are reading the Word of God, we need to notice it and register His Word as significant as we pursue getting His permission!

Be encouraged to pause for God’s permission today. God will answer you and one of the best times to hear from Him is through prayer time. Decide today that you will pray every day. I did and it changed my life completely.

Hey, speaking of permission…HA!! Don’t forget to get your signed copy of my new book Permission Slips! I appreciate you and know that God has a word for you in this book!


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A Word from God.

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