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The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer!

The Message Translation


This morning felt like I was waking up right after I had dozed off. My alarm went off in a weird way (there was no praise and worship music) and I literally felt like I had just fallen asleep. There was no pretending that I was ready to pray, but I got up anyway because I knew that today was one of those days where I didn’t have time to get those few extra minutes. You see, today is my oldest child’s birthday! She is 11 years old today and I am so thankful for that God made me her Mom. As much as I still felt a bit tired, I knew that I needed to start THIS B-DAY of hers off on the right foot. So it was go time!

When I got in the prayer closet I felt so tired. That really made me realize something. Today I had to totally and completely rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me. It’s not that I don’t allow Him to guide me every morning, but sometimes He doesn’t have to push me, I am already fired up and ready to go. It’s on those mornings that I really feel the power. Today though, felt like it wasn’t going to be one of those power-filled days. It felt like I was going to barely make it for one hour. And that’s where I realized that surrendering means I don’t have to BE READY. If I am fully allowing God to use me, I don’t have to feel this pressure to perform in my prayer time. I don’t have to feel this pressure to be perfect. Waking up to pray is my obedience. What God does in the prayer closet is not for me to even try to control with my thoughts or actions. I am simply to get up, obey and pray.

This morning I didn’t go through my usual prayers because I had a strong desire to not just routine pray. I kept saying, Use me Holy Spirit over and over. I kept saying thank you Lord over and over. And you know what happened? The Power of Prayer happened. I prayed in the Spirit and then I used my Prayers that Rout Demons book to pray some prayers that I had never prayed before!! Y’all I prayed for some stuff that I didn’t even know I needed to pray for!! This book’s subtitle that says it best: Prayers for defeating demons and overthrowing the power of darkness. You don’t even know some stuff is demonic!!

But that’s the Power of Prayer! When you allow the Holy Spirit to use you completely, you loose control. Loose means to release control. And you pray for stuff that needs to be prayed for that you are unaware of. Another thing I realized is that the devil will try to come into the prayer closet with you in subtle ways or even try to make your prayers powerless, but at the mention of the name Jesus…I send him back to the pits of hell!

What I learned today is that I needed to release control even more so that my prayer life could be deepened. I learned that this daily prayer journey is one where I will forever need to lose control, surrender fully to the power of the Holy Ghost. And what better way for God to set you up for that to happen, than when you wake up feeling absolutely powerless, or feeling like you’re in a prayer rut. God will take that weakness of yours and put His POWER on you and STILL use you to get the glory. But you must get up, obey, and pray. You must show up and say…use me Lord.

Today’s scriptural surprise comes from Provers 25-26 and it’s filled with wisdom! Open your bible today and read it and meditate on it!

I pray you surrender daily to the Lord, for His ways are way better than ours, and it’s the best way to totally and completely feel His Power!

I’m headed to Wednesday Prayer Service this morning and then back to church for First Wednesday tonight! I’m expecting a power-filled day from the Lord!

P.S. Eleven years ago today, God gave me the power to birth a 10 pound, 4 ounce baby…so I know He can use me to deliver BIG THINGS!!!!! LOL!



If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.


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A Word from God.

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