Encouragement Ink

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Put It On Paper!

Put It On Paper!

Contemporary English Version


This morning I woke up soooo sleepy! My alarm went off for me to get up and pray, and I started negotiating with God. I was like…Okay God, can I get one more hour and then wake up and pray for an hour? I didn’t really wait to hear His answer. I just snuggled back under the covers…to wait. LOL! So my praise and worship music was playing and I could hear it, and then I couldn’t hear it anymore. I had gone back to sleep. Then I woke up again. I was like, Lord, but I am soooo sleepy. Can I get a few more minutes? I heard…I need you! At that moment, I realized it was time to stop negotiations and get my butt up! When we pray, we are giving God permission or earthy license for heavenly interference!! YES!!! You see now why I got up?

I got into the prayer closet and begin to pray in a kneeled down posture. I knew this posture wouldn’t last because I was too sleepy. So I prayed some, but then I stood up to pray. After about 10 minutes of sleepy prayer, I felt the Holy Spirit give me strength to pray more boldly and more alertly. I prayed for people from college!!! I didn’t know why I was praying for them, but I prayed for this group of guys from college. I was calling them by name and just praying for them. I don’t know anything about what’s going on in their individual lives at all, but I prayed for them. That’s why God needed me…to get up and pray for them! That’s called interceding and praying on their behalf. We don’t have to know what we are praying for when we pray in the Spirit. God knows. He just needs US on earth to do it (remember the Lord’s Prayer…thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven).

As I continued to pray, I begin to pray in the Spirit and then I prayed in my known tongue. This continued for a while and then I started thinking about something that I had prayed to NOT think about. I didn’t know why I was thinking about it again because I had asked God to remove it from my thinking. Well apparently, what I have to share today from our conversation, is the reason why it came up.

This morning, the Holy Spirit said to me:



  • Write it down so you can look at it and see it on paper.

  • When you see it on paper, it won’t be confusing anymore.

  • For that situation you keep thinking about, write down what lines up with me and what doesn’t like up with me.

  • Put it on paper because the enemy is trying to play mind tricks by just having it in your head. When you write it down, you won’t be confused on what lines up with My Word. You won’t be trying to negotiate it or justify it in your mind.

  • Write it out. Bring the paper to the prayer closet. Open your Bible.

  • Go line by line on what you wrote to see how it lines up with what My Word says.

  • It’s not from Me if it’s confusing because I am not the author of confusion.

  • It’s not from Me if it causes you to stumble.

  • My Word is firm and My Word is True.

So OUR exercise today is to write down whatever it is that keeps coming up in your mind. Write down what lines up with God in one column and what doesn’t line up with God in the next column. I don’t know what your situation is, but I know we all have things that we keep thinking about or things we have prayed about but they consume our minds. The Holy Spirit will guide us when we write it down on paper. He will make it plain. That’s what Habakkuk 2:2-3 says…He will give us a message in a vision and we are to write it down.

Today’s scriptural surprise came from Jeremiah, chapters 3 and 4. The stand out verse for me was in chapter 4, verse 2. It is basically saying, today is a new day and if we choose, we can start over and BEGIN to live good, honest lives today!! Go read the verse and see how the Holy Spirit speaks directly to you on it.

Now, don’t forget to do the exercise today!! Grab a sheet of paper and write down what you keep thinking about, what you keep seeing, and what thoughts keep your mind consumed. The Holy Spirit will clear it all up…ON PAPER!


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A Word from God.

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