Encouragement Ink

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Relationship Status!

God’s Word


Relationships! They are the key to pretty much anything you do. From family, marriage, friendships, and business; relationships are what most people develop after having spent some time with one another. Some relationships are amazing, while others can be quite toxic. As I was thinking about all my relationships, the one that I am most proud of is the one I have with Jesus.

As I look back over 2019, this has been THE YEAR where me and “JC” really connected on a whole ‘nother level! The quality time (which just so happens to be my love language per Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages book) that we spend together every morning deepens our relationship so much that I can recognize His voice when He speaks. I can expect Him to blow my mind with miracles, signs, and wonders. I can talk to Him anytime. He has never left me. He is always there when I need Him. He always answers when I call on Him. He allows me to just sit with Him and be comforted. I’ve been able to cry and laugh with Him. And the best part is that He knows me better than anyone else does. He leads me. He guides me. He provides for me. He tells me I am His own. He is an author (so we relate on that level too…LOL). He calls me beautifully and wonderfully made. He teaches me how to make money so that I can be generous and help others. I mean the list goes on and on and on. I just love our relationship!

I am so thankful that I made a decision in January of this year to spend more time with the Lord. And then in February, join the 1 Hour prayer challenge group, which was the action step it took to get me into this most intimate relationship with my Lord and Savior. That one step made all the other steps for me to take, appear.

I want to ask you: What is your relationship status with the Lord right now? If you’re not spending time with the Lord on a daily basis, make up your mind right now to change that. Stop letting other stuff that in the whole scheme of things, really doesn’t matter, if you don’t have your relationship right with the Lord. Your job or career is really not that important. Yeah I said it, because most of us are not even doing what the Lord wants us to do for His purposes on earth. We are working a job to get money so we can pay bills and live lives that are cool, but not absolutely great!

I will tell you that my life is the best it has ever been, as I have gotten into a deeper relationship with the Lord. And I am not just talking about blessings with “stuff” either. I mean I have peace like never before. I don’t worry or really stress like I used to. I sleep well. I am able to be generous to others. I believe that I am on a God assignment with my work and it’s making an impact. My friendships have evolved where I am pretty much only spending time with people who themselves have intimate relationships with the Lord. My life has changed for the better and I don’t miss A THING from my old life. NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY THING!

2019 was a year of transition for me to get to where God has been trying to get me for a long time, but I was trying to do it my way. When I finally surrendered my way and said, it’s whatever you want it to be Lord, my life completely changed. Everyday I realize that this is how life is really supposed to be for everybody. I want your life to be the way God intended for it to be. Reading your Bible will show you how God intended for it to be!

So today, I want you to check your relationship status. If you want a different life, then you must do life different. Start with a conversation with God and watch how different your life will be. If you’re not a believer, read the Salvation prayer below. If you are a believer and you’re struggling or have strayed, the Lord is giving you today to repent of your sins and come to Him. He doesn’t even want you to clean yourself up first (because to be honest, you can’t clean yourself up like He can). Just open your mouth and say, “Lord, I don’t want to do life my way anymore. I want to do life your way.” And I will tell you this, you don’t even have to know what “His way” fully means when you say it either. He will put you with the right church, the right people, onto the right YouTube videos, and the right everything!! You will begin to see your real life unfold in a way that you never imagined possible!!! For real!!

I always wanted this life and the enemy made me think it was super hard to get it or I had done too much wrong. But to be totally honest, all I did was get tired of living the way that I was living. I knew there had to be more to life than toxic relationships, struggle, being broke, drinking alcohol to numb the pain of life, and going to church just to feel good for an hour or two, and then back to a repeat life of Ugh!

You can go back through this blog and read how things changed for me, and you still may feel like, it can’t happen for you. But I am telling you that it can. All you need to do is surrender it all over to God. That’s it. You surrender and He will do the rest. I promise you that! He did it for me so I can know He will do it for you too!

I pray you have a relationship status change right now…and even if you already have a relationship with the Lord, I pray that it deepens even more. There is nothing like the love of God. No greater love.

Hearts & Hugs

P.S. The Scriptural Surprise is 1 John. John is the apostle of intimacy and reading this book of the Bible will help you develop intimacy with God.





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If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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