Encouragement Ink

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It's Time to Release It!

God’s Word


I tried to sleep in a little bit this morning, but God said nah, I want to talk to you. So my bladder wouldn’t let me cuddle up under the covers any longer. I got up and dragged myself into the prayer closet draped in a blanket. Yes I say dragged because I really felt like I could sleep till 6 and then get up to pray. But after the conversation I just had with God, I see why He insisted I get up to talk.

There are 5 days left in this decade and the Lord said to me, “it’s time to release what I put in you!” As I journaled our conversation, He revealed more to me about my new business. He gave me subject areas, names, new thoughts, and new ideas to pursue. I was writing feverishly!

Then I said, Lord give me a word for today. I went to His word for the Scriptural Surprise and opened my Bible with expectancy. I landed on page 444, 2 Kings 25:27. The verse starts off saying this: On the 27th day of the 12th month!!! I just sat there staring at my Bible! The 27th day of the 12th month is actually TODAY!!! #mindblowing

I kept reading. It was the date that kindness was shown to King Jehoiachin and he was pardoned from prison. His throne was set over other king’s thrones and he dined regularly in the presence of the king of Babylon for the rest of his life. In verse 30 it says he also received a regular allowance daily from the king for the rest of his life. When I looked into the study notes of my Tony Evans Study Bible, it says the Babylonian king (who was named Evil-merodach) may have pardoned and shown kindness to King Jehoiachin so that he could have favor with the jews, but God was also working His sovereign plan to preserve His people even in captivity.

That’s really good news on this 27th day of the 12th month! I am thankful that no matter what the enemy may try to do (like imprison me with discouraging thoughts or obstacles that seemingly hold me back), God is STILL working HIS plan, even in my captivity!

This morning, the Lord said, “it’s time to RELEASE what I put in you.” The Bible verse in the Scriptural Surprise 2 Kings 25:27 says King Jehoiachin was RELEASED on the 27th day of the 12th month! Whatever has been holding you hostage or in prison, today is your release day!!!

The Lord also said this to me:

  • Releasing your gift will carry you where I want you to go.

  • Be confident in your gift. I gave you everything you need.

  • Don’t compare your gift to anyone else, even if it’s similar. Trust Me, your life experiences makes your gift uniquely yours. No one has been through your life exactly. You’re set apart.

  • When you use your gift, people will see Me in you.

  • Be Transparent.

  • Your transparency will help you transform into who I created you to be.

  • Your transparency will transform others.

  • Everything is already in you to do what I have called you to do!

  • Do what comes natural to you!

  • When you get in position to do what comes natural, I will put my SUPER on your natural, so that you can have a SUPERNATURAL experience. But you must be in position and you must also be DOING what comes natural to you. And it must align with My Word!

This morning the Lord gave me a Word and He revealed more of the vision He has for me. The only way I got all of this, was by getting up and having a CONVERSATION WITH GOD! I pray that my sharing My Conversation With God will inspire you to get up and have your own conversation with Him. He has a lot to tell you, but He wants you to willingly choose to spend your time with Him. Yes, sometimes I try to delay our conversations to get more sleep (I’m being transparent here), but having a conversation with God every morning is non-negotiable and absolutely necessary for me to live this life. What about you? Are you having daily conversations with God?

Hearts & Hugs & Five Days of Great Expectations from Above!!




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If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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