Review Time!

Review Time!

Message Bible

Message Bible


This morning the Holy Spirit clarified something for me in the prayer closet. I had been saying, the Lord told me_______ and I actually didn’t have it quite right!! That’s when I heard the Holy Spirit say, I told you to re-read what I said several days ago and you didn’t do it, so now you’re out here thinking you’re quoting what I said, but that’s not quite what I said. Go back and re-read what I have said to you Fon. Go back through the journal and read what I gave you already. You will find clarity in what I have already told you!!! It’s REVIEW TIME!

I want to encourage you on this Friday to go back and re-read through the blogs that I have written. I had a friend tell me that she used the blog for her devotional time. First of all I was just in awe of her saying that, because when God gave me this assignment, I have maintained that it was just for me and if other people read it, that’s awesome. Her saying that helped me to see that it’s way bigger than me! I thank God that He is using me and the gift of writing that He blessed me with. But go back and re-read through the blogs, because like today, the Holy Spirit clarified what He said to me.

I pray God blesses you today and that you get a clear word from Him about your situation. Stay encouraged and don’t give up. Trust God all the way!

And before I let you go (drum roll) the scriptural surprise today is Proverbs 21:29! When I first turned to the page, I was like…it seems like I was just here, but thank you Holy Spirit for helping me SEE what you want me to see. Here’s what verse stood out:

“Unscrupulous people fake it a lot; honest people are sure of their steps.” Proverbs 21:29 MSG

And of course it lines up with me reviewing my journal (and these blogs) for clarity!! Thank you Holy Spirit! Have a Holy Spirit clarity kinda day!!!


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A Word from God.

A Word from God.