Encouragement Ink

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Permanent Changes!

God’s Word


Today I am blogging from Houston, TX! I spent 17 years of my life here and coming back was almost like coming back home! As soon as we got close to Houston, we hit traffic! I told my kids (who I surprised with this trip) that I don’t miss NONE of this traffic! They apparently didn’t like it either! LOL!

Last night we took a trip down memory lane and went to our old favorite Mexican food restaurant. The name had changed because one partner left but the same people were there, even the customers!! It was amazing that in three years of being gone, I was able to step right back into my old life! Here I was on a Friday night, eating Mexican food with my kids! We ordered the same foods too! I stopped drinking alcohol earlier this year after prayer changed my entire life, but last night I thought I’d order a margarita. I took three sips and realized that my taste buds had changed but even more, God had permanently changed me! I had no desire for that taste at all! And to be totally transparent, I used to drink at least two of those on a Friday night to numb pains. I had let those very drinks control me. I left that entire drink sitting there. I am truly a changed woman and I am so thankful that while I thought it would be okay to drink it, God said, nope, you’re a totally new creature! Isn’t that something? Even if you try an old thing, God will show you how much of a new thing you really are! Amen!!

This morning I got up to pray and I heard the Lord say:

  • Don’t look back. Keep moving forward.

  • I have brought you from a long way.

  • Reflect to see your growth, not your mistakes.

  • I brought you on this journey back to your old place so you can see how I turned it ALL around for your good.

  • I brought you back not to miss it, but to see that it’s not where I want you. Plus you’re not missing out on anything!!

  • It’s okay to visit a land, but not okay to dwell in a land where I never called you to dwell in.

  • You’re just visiting. Enjoy the visit!

While I was writing down everything I heard the Lord saying to me, I realized that God had turned MY PLANS around for my good and for His glory!! A lot of awesome things happened in Houston for me (check out my book ‘Permission Slips’ to read more details) but as I have grown up spiritually, I don’t ever want to be where God ain’t. Let me say that again. I don’t ever want to be somewhere and God is not there! I don’t know who that is for this morning, but don’t stay in a place that God has clearly told you to leave from!

Now God didn’t tell me to leave Houston. I left after getting divorced. But God also never gave me permission to move to Houston in the first place! Did He provide for me and bless me here? Yes He surely did! But where I am now and the peace I have now shows me the difference in being exactly where God wants you. And the only way to get where He wants you, is to talk to Him every single day! Can God turn your plans around for His good? I am living proof! Can you be going to a place for one reason and God turn it around for many other reasons (if you allow Him to turn it)? Yes indeed!

When I left Houston, I had my own agenda, and even in my new place, I still suffered. I was in a new place but I was the same me!! But when I finally relinquished my plans over to him and surrendered…. woooo weeeee!!! That’s when my life permanently changed! When I starting talking to Him about “His” plans for my life, that’s when peace, joy, love, and happiness started being in my life permanently!!

As I reflect on how far God has brought me, I am thankful that I am not who I used to be. I am thankful that my taste buds have changed. I am thankful that my old habits are gone. I am thankful for all the ways God made when I didn’t have a deep relationship with Him! I am simply thankful for being a new creature in Christ!

The Scriptural Surprise today is from Matthew 12! The verse that stood out was 34 where it talks about the mouth speaking from the heart. When you open your mouth, you show what’s deep down in your heart. So be careful what you say to others. This whole chapter was really good and teachable, so please go and read it!

Tonight, the kids and I are going to their first concert!! We are going to see Tobe Nwigwe!!! I am so excited to see him perform here in his hometown of Houston so I know the show will be epic! I thank God for this entire trip! He continues to blow my mind!!

Hearts & Hugs from Houston




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If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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