Encouragement Ink

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Whose Structure Are You Operating Under?

Whose Structure Are You Operating Under?

King James Version


This morning I got up before 5! I mean it was 4:58, but that’s still before 5 :-) That means it wasn’t going to be one of those mornings where I convince myself to stay sleep for 2 more minutes (LOL)! It was time to get up and pray, so I did just that. Here’s what the Holy Spirit said to me this morning:

  • Follow the structure that I set.

  • Seek my way of living.

  • When you don’t follow my structure, you face difficulties.

  • Do everything decently and in order.

  • Do life the way I designed it and everything will work out.

The scriptural surprise this morning was right in alignment with this!! I love when the Holy Spirit does that. It’s like immediate prayer confirmation. The scriptural surprise came from Ecclesiastes. I read chapters 1 through 7, and the standout verse was in chapter 7, verse 13. I recently focused on this same verse before but this morning, the first line of the verse is what really stood out (I have it bolded):

Notice the way God does things; then fall into line. Don’t fight the ways of God, for who can straighten out what he has made crooked?

The first line says for us to notice the way God does things. When I think about how God created everything, I can see that every detail of life serves a unique purpose. God doesn’t waste anything He creates or sets forth. It’s all for a reason and it’s all ultimately for His glory. We are to look at how God works and mimic it. God designed us to function a certain way. When we are out of alignment with our original design, we’ve essentially been hacked by something other than our Creator. That means we have the potential to be used the wrong way. That’s when things get crazy in our lives and we are wondering, why is this happening or why do I feel all out of whack! It’s because you have been hacked!!! God allows us to feel that we are off track so that we can SEEK HIM, our Maker, to RESET us back to our default design.

Today be encouraged to seek God’s original design for your life. It will make all the difference in the world in how you operate in your daily life. In my new book Permission Slips, I have a whole chapters on why you were created!!! Get your signed copy of the book and check it out!


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A Word from God.

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