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The Big Reveal!

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The Big Reveal! Fon

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This morning, I feel like I am sharing two messages. One from my time with the Holy Spirit in the closet and one from my time with the Holy Spirit while drinking coffee and reading chapter 29 of Deuteronomy for the Scriptural Bible Study!!

So as not to get myself in a tizzy over the lagniappe of Holy Spirit this morning, I am just going to share them both here, confidently knowing that it’s something in one or both just for you.

When I read Deuteronomy 29, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Now you know.” It was actually after reading verse 29 that I heard this. Verse 29 says:

The hidden things belong to the Lord our God, but the revealed things belong to us and our children, forever; so that we may follow all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29:29 CSB

“The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions. Deuteronomy 29:29 NLT

Dr. Tony Evans study notes for that verse says: The Lord is infinite and transcendent. Whatever knowledge he chooses to keep from us is beyond our ability to obtain. Nevertheless, he has REVEALED to us everything that we need to know. God’s Holy Word contains all that we (and our children) need in order to understand, trust, and obey him.

That’s when I heard the Holy Spirit say to me: “Once I reveal it to you, once I have shown it to you, don’t act like you didn’t see it. I showed you, so that you will follow My Plans, My Way, and My Kingdom Agenda. Now you know!”

I started thinking about when you find things out, and how what you find out usually gives you direction or next steps. Case and point. My cousin recently did a gender reveal. That’s the trendy thing to do nowadays to find out what you’re having and let others know in a fun, fellowship, party-style way. So up until the gender reveal party, the gender of my cousin’s baby was hidden. She and her husband didn’t know what they were having. They probably were buying things but they couldn’t go too far with gender specific purchases because they didn’t know the gender yet. Stay with me, I am going somewhere with this.

So at the party, when they popped the smoke thingy (I don't know what it’s called) and the smoke came out PINK, it was REVEALED they were having a girl. My cousin’s husband was so caught off guard because he just knew it was a boy. Side note: I had felt in my spirit that it was a girl. LOL! But once the baby’s gender was revealed, that knowledge now belonged to everyone who knew. And from that moment of revelation, the parents would begin the process of preparing for a baby girl, especially her Daddy!

See, once God reveals to us the things that belong to us, we can now act accordingly. We don’t have to walk around ACTING like we don’t know. My cousins can now pick a girl name. They can now pick girl things. They can now pray for their daughter. They can now do things that parents of girls do, which is different from the things that parents of a boy would do.

There is no need to be neutral on it when God has revealed exactly what it is! ~ Holy Spirit

Ooohhh weeee! That came straight from Holy Spirit.

In verse 9 it says: Therefore observe the words of this covenant and follow them, so that you will succeed in everything you do. Once God reveals His plan to you, there is no need for you to walk around acting like you don’t know what to do. There is no need to sit there in neutral trying to figure it out. He already told you. He already showed you. How crazy would it be for my cousins to act like they don’t know what they are having? How crazy would it be for them to buy all boy stuff when God has revealed to them they are having a girl. There is specific purpose on that little girl’s life and it was decided before she even got in my cousin’s womb!!

Whew! Okay, okay. Bottom line…when God reveals it to you…don’t just act like you know, ACTUALLY LIVE LIKE YOU KNOW! Do what He has revealed for you to do in His word through His commands.

Now let’s transition to what else the Holy Spirit REVEALED to me this morning. I was listening to this song called Temple by Maverick City Music featuring Amanda Lindsey Cook in the prayer closet. After I finished listening, I wrote this:


I started thinking about real estate for whatever reason. And how some houses are staged to look better than they really are, but then there are the “fixer uppers” and the ones that are sold as is. 

There are certain people who have an eye for a real investment. They see past the weeds, the brokenness, the worn out parts. They always see the original structure and they say things like, “it’s got good bones” or “the structure is solid” or “it just needs a little work” and they take a chance on what LOOKS like a mess because they can typically see what others can’t see! They pay the price for it and then go to work in it. 

This morning, I felt like God was saying... I will take all the fixer uppers because I know what’s really on the inside of them. I know their TRUE VALUE. And I am going to buy them AS IS! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

And then our Father RESTORES us to His original design! He even lives in us while He is restoring, rebuilding, and refining us. When others pass us by and see mess, He is inside working us to be masterpieces. He cleans us up because he knows we are WORTH more than what we look like. 

Then the big reveal happens and people are in awe of the true value! They see the amazing transformation! They all want to know how He did it. And that’s when we open our mouth (like an Open House) and He gets all the glory for our redemption story! 



If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you’re not a believer, but you have a desire to be, all you have to do is openly confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community, stay connected to other believers, and start having daily conversations through prayer with God every single day. Welcome to your new life with Jesus Christ!!!


  1. What did Holy Spirit say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. What has the Holy Spirit revealed to you?

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