Encouragement Ink

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What It Really Means To Train Up A Child

God’s Word


About 4 ish this morning, my son came to my bedroom crying. He said he had had the worst dream ever. I asked him about the dream and it was one of those “we all died” kind of dreams. I listened as he told me the details he could remember, but more importantly, I embraced him and gave him a kiss and told him, that it wasn’t real. Then he asked if I could walk him back to his room. Instead of doing that, I said, nah, you come and get in the bed with Mommy. I could tell immediately that he preferred that option. As he cuddled up next to me and grabbed my arm (he always loves to snuggle under what I call the “fat” of my arm (LOL), he began to cry again. I said, what’s wrong baby? He said, I am just so thankful that you are my Mom. Now y’all know I wanted to cry, but instead I smiled and just thanked God for my son. Then I told him that I was going to pray. So I did. I touched his forehead and I prayed loud enough for him to hear me. I rebuked every bad dream and every bad thought that the enemy was trying to use against my son, in the name of Jesus. I prayed for protection and for him to know that we are God’s children and we are always protected and He is always with us no matter where we are.

After the prayer, we both were just laying there. Neither one of us could go back to sleep. He kept peeking at me and I kept peeking at him. Then he said, are you sleep, and I smiled and said nope. By this time, I looked at my watch and it was 4:44 a.m., and I told him that my alarm to wake up and pray would be going off at 5 a.m. He said, okay. So we both tried to go back to sleep, but it didn’t work. We were awake. When my alarm went off, I turned it off and laid there for a minute, then I told him I was about to go and pray and he could stay in my bed. Praise and worship music streamed from my Amazon echo dot and he was snuggled under the covers.

I went to the prayer closet. I started out on my knees, but I felt the strong pull to lay flat on my face and pray in the Spirit, so I did just that. I don’t know how long I had been praying or if my voice had gotten louder, but when I got quiet, I heard this little voice say…Mommy? Then I got even more quiet because I wasn’t sure if I had heard right. Then I heard it again, Mommy? My son had pushed the bathroom door open and was now at the prayer closet door. At first, I didn’t want him to see me laying out on the floor because I didn’t want to alarm him. I pulled myself up and then I heard him say, I can’t go back to sleep. I told him it was okay. Then he said, how long are you going to pray? At that point, I told him I was coming out in a few.

I got up and went to my bedroom and he was back in my bed. At that moment, I could have gone back to the prayer closet. Actually I started walking back in that direction and then I felt this strong pause. I then turned and said, “Son, do you want to go into the prayer closet with me?” He said yes and climbed out of my bed. It was at that moment that one of thee most memorable moments between a mother and son happened. I showed my son exactly what his mom does every single morning. I literally walked him through every step that I take and he joined me for the second round of morning prayer.

I am tearing up right now just trying to type this up, but I know that the Holy Spirit turned my son’s bad dream into a moment that he will never forget for the rest of his life. My son and I knelt down and prayed. I taught him how to kneel. I told him about laying flat on your face and praying. I taught him about speaking in tongues. I prayed for him. He prayed as well!! I told him that prayer is simply a conversation between you and God. I told him that I give God my time first thing in the morning. I showed him how to do the Scriptural Surprise in my new Tony Evans Study Bible (lol), and I let him do it. He asked me, what happens if you turn to the same page? I said that means God wants to tell you something else about that page.

He turned to Zephaniah 3 and I read the Word of God out loud to my son! Then I showed him how to read the study notes to get a better understanding. I even told him that they should put study notes on his school passages and poems because they can be confusing even to parents. LOL! He was smiling. Then I showed him how I grab my journal to write what I hear God saying. I told him to repeat after me: “Lord, your servant is listening.” He repeated it perfectly. Then we both waited to hear from God.

Here’s what I heard:

  • You are training him in the way he should go, right now!

  • You are not just talking anymore. You are DOING it and I am so proud of you (I praised the Lord for all that was happening in that moment with my son!!).

  • Continue to be a DOER of My Word.

  • Show your children exactly what to do.

  • Continue to let them see you pray.

  • Teach them how to pray.

  • Take time to explain what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.

  • Read My Word with them.

  • DO IT with them.

As I finished writing what I heard, I asked my son, what did he hear in his thoughts? I even explained how to hear from God in a way that he could understand it. I said, if you were blindfolded and someone called your name, you would know who it was because you have heard them call your name so much that you know their voice. That’s how it is with God. When you spend time with Him, you will be able to hear His voice even more clearly. So I asked him what did he hear and here’s my eight-year-old son’s conversation with God:

  • You won’t have any more bad dreams.

Again, with every stroke of the keyboard, the tears keep falling when I playback what just happened in my prayer closet!!! Today was a monumental moment in my child’s life. It was a major moment in my life as his Mom too. I told him that he can come to my room at anytime, but the power is not in calling Mommy, it’s in calling Jesus. I even had him say the name of Jesus out loud three times, so that He could hear himself calling on the name of Jesus with his Mommy, knowing that he could always call on Him with or without Mommy.

We all know that our job as parents or any title you may hold in a child’s life is to live out Proverbs 22:6 which says to train up a child in the way they should go, so that when they are older, they won’t depart from it. Today, I did just that! I encourage you to do it too! We can’t be all prayed up and not make sure our children, nieces, nephews, cousins, students, or any little person we come in contact, isn’t prayed up too! There’s level’s to this and my son’s bad dream was the stepping stone to a life of prayer for him. What the enemy meant for evil, God has turned it around for his good! And yep, I told his sister the whole story, so that she will get in on this life of prayer too!

Hearts & Hugs




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If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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