Encouragement Ink

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Unlimited Discovery!

God’s Word


Don’t put limits on me!! ~ God

It was cold this morning and I was deeply snuggled underneath the comforter when my alarm started playing praise and worship music at 5 a.m. As the music played, instead of getting up, I went deeper underneath the covers. I listened to the songs and then I felt myself starting to drift back off to sleep. I was now sleep. Yup, I didn’t get up. Around 6:00 (yes I slept for another whole hour), I woke up with no alarm (I don’t have a back up alarm set), but Jesus knows what today holds for me, and knew that I needed to get up and get going. But once again, it was cold. My eyes were open and the comforter was comforting me (LOL). I snuggled in again and said, “Lord, can we just have pillow talk this morning.” I giggled after I said it because my mind raced to the thought of this being a “new way to be intimate” with God. I laid there and started having a conversation with God. And that’s when I heard Him say, “don’t put limits on me.”

As I laid there and we talked for a little while, the Lord said, you have to get up now. So I listened and did exactly that, with a smile on my face. I went to make sure my kids were getting up and ready for the day and as I was maneuvering through the morning, I realized that I am in a real loving relationship with God. You know what I mean… the kind you normally identify with a mate. When I think about my-kind of relationships, it is definitely pillow talk, smiles, snuggles, more talking, and just enjoying each other’s company. That’s what I felt today and it felt sooo good.

Me and the Lord reconvened immediately after I dropped the kids off at school while I was driving back home. We talked even more. And I even prayed for each person I was passing by them!! When I got back home, I knew I needed to go ahead and get ready for prayer service, so me and the Lord kept talking while I was in the shower. Again, I realized that this is like a real relationship. The kind where you just don’t want to let each other go and talk all day.

I got ready while talking to the Lord, and then I sat and listened. And check out what He said to me:

Don’t put limits on Me, My timing, or what I can do. Don’t put limits on My timing just because you have never experienced it in this timeframe or this way. Don’t put limits on what I can do. I am the God of miracles, signs, and wonders. I can do anything I want. Stop limiting Me with your thinking. Stop limiting Me with your sight. Stop limiting Me with your hearing.

Limiting Me says you don’t know me well. Go deeper with Me. There is always more to know about Me. Learn Me. Learn My ways. Learn the model I set when I was on the earth. Learn more about Me from My Word.

Don’t let your routine try to put Me in a rut. Keep discovering more about Me. Matthew 6:33 says seek first My Kingdom. That means everyday you should SEEK ME FIRST, so you can discover and FIND out more about Me.

When you discover more about Me, I can reveal more about you. When you learn more about the-you that I made, then you can discover why I made you. When you discover why I made you, you’ll know your purpose. When you know your purpose, you’ll know what to do each and every day. You will discover how unlimited I really am and can be in your life.

Don’t limit Me. And by the way, you don’t have the right or the authority to do that.


I love you so much! Now stop limiting me.

I can do exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20) That means whatever you ask, I can exceed it. Whatever you think, I think beyond that.

I love you!

I don’t know about y’all, but I feel like the Lord wrote me a love letter this morning. What started with a pillow talk conversation turned into Him loving on me in a limitless kind of way. And of course He is right. Sometimes I will let how I have always heard from Him in the morning, be the only way I feel I can hear from Him (i.e. going straight to the prayer closet). I love my prayer closet and I know it’s my go-to space to have a conversation with God, but this morning, He said don’t put limits on Me. I can do pillow talk conversations too!

Imagine the broad smile on my face right now!

Your Questions For Today:

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

Was it pillow talk, in the car, in the shower, or in your prayer closet?

New Year…New Things! The Scriptural Surprise will now be featured in a graphic! And of course if God gives me something to say on it, I will share that conversation in the blog. The graphic may change sometimes (it did today), but I wanted to make sure you knew where the new home for the Scriptural Surprise would be. Check it out below and read the scriptures! I know God would love to have a conversation with you!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Lamentations 3! It’s about hope!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

Psssst! If you enjoyed today’s blog, become a subscriber! I want to help you get connected to me via email on a daily basis so you won’t miss a day of My Conversations With God. Get the blog sent to your inbox daily by signing up here!! Trust me, God will speak to you too! Need to email me? I can be reached at info@onassignmentbyGod.com

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