Encouragement Ink

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Whew!! Coming off of an amazing birthday celebration full of love and joy and even peace! I am so grateful to God for all the many blessings He has bestowed upon me and my family. I had a blast with my people yesterday and this morning, the Holy Spirit said keep looking for more! You know my response to that was a big ole smile on my face! I am definitely prepared and ready for MORE MORE MORE!

This morning was the last morning of the 7 days of prayer at 3 am and I got up and did it! First of all let me just say this. I learn so much about myself when God takes me out of my comfort zone. He already knows what I am capable of, but clearly I am still discovering what all He put in me! These last 7 days have been challenging, yet rewarding in a way that I can’t fully comprehend or explain, but I know in my Spirit that my persistence to be consistent is something that God wants me to see about myself. It’s almost like God is retraining my brain from being a perfectionist to be a persistent-ist. I know I know. That’s not a real word. But hey, it sounded good. My point is, God is showing me that depending on Him is all the perfection I need.

So what did Holy Spirit say to me this morning? He said: "The more available you make yourself, the more I can use you. Are you available? “

Then He went into telling me that I need to use my time wisely and set a schedule to learn something new. He said, “I will help you remember what you learn, but you must first learn the material; and it’s not hard. Just take time to learn it. I am with you!”

I have been praying about my non-profit and He let me know that I am still in preparation mode. Sometimes I feel like I am not moving fast enough with it, but Holy Spirit said to me: You’re exactly where I want you. Keep building a proper foundation for it. That was so good to hear. Plus it lined up with me learning something new.

Holy Spirit reminded me that it doesn’t matter what it looks like, there is nothing He can’t do! I let that resonate a bit because sometimes things look so hard to US, but thank God for the reminders from the Holy Spirit. This also made me realize that things that we see, are not what they seem. We have to keep our eyes on Jesus and the spiritual realm of life, not what we see on the news or social media.

Finally, I hope you’re still reading Nehemiah with me. We are in chapter 6and I am actually really enjoying this book of the bible. It is allowing me to see what it looks like when God calls you to do something and make a difference, how it won’t be easy and how necessary it is to depend on God to do what He called you to do. Verses 9 and 12 both stood out. In verse 9, it says: But now, my God, strengthen my hands. The haters (Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem, and ‘nem) were all hating on Nehemiah and trying to intimidate him so he would quit the work God had called him to do. But Nehemiah called on the name of the Lord and asked for strength in his hands to finish the work.

In verse 12, Nehemiah met with Shemaiah and realized that he was trying to get him to run and hide in the temple, which would have been a sin. That’s how he knew Shemaiah was not sent by God. The verse says: I realized that God had not sent him, because of the prophecy he spoke against me. This is some discernment here. Plus if a person wants you to do something that you know is a sin, they are not for you, they are against you. And Dr. Tony Evans says reglious terminology does not guarantee legitimacy.

Bottom line: Be careful who you listen to. Make sure what they are asking or telling you to do, lines up with the word of God. And yes that means you need to read the word so that Holy Spirit will bring it back to your remembrance when you need it most. Otherwise, you will find yourself thinking every thing that seems good is good, when it’s totally against what God says in His Word.

Be encouraged to stay available for God so that your time with Him will be well spent; and your ability to discern right from wrong will be on point.


If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you’re not a believer, but you have a desire to be, all you have to do is openly confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community, stay connected to other believers, and start having daily conversations through prayer with God every single day. Welcome to your new life with Jesus Christ!!!


  1. What did Holy Spirit say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. Have you made yourself truly available to God first thing every day?

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