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Wired for This!

God’s Word.


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Wired for This! Fon Strong James

In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog!! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!

Have you ever heard this phrase: wired for your work? What about this one: crafted for your calling? These are two phrases that I wrote down while listening to a sermon by Dr. Dharius Daniels. They stood out to me and I often think about them because I really believe in the meaning behind both of them. God created us for His use. So of course He would wire us for the work He wants us to do; and craft us specifically for the calling on our lives.

As I ponder these two phrases, I look back at my life experiences and I can actually see the hand of God moving. A scripture that comes up when I reflect back on every job, every experience, and every relationship, is Romans 8:28. Check out the four different translations and see which one speaks to you more:

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 New Living Translation

And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. Romans 8:28 Amplified Bible

And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans. Romans 8:28 The Living Bible

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 New King James Version

When I was praying this morning, there were three groups of people I prayed for in my language (because the rest of the prayer was in my heavenly language). The three groups were:

  • People who didn’t know Jesus at all.

  • People who knew Jesus but didn’t have a relationship with Him.

  • People who knew Jesus, have a relationship with Him, but don’t spend enough time with Him.

My prayer for the first group was that those who have been called to evangelize will be on their post today so that those who don’t know Jesus would have an encounter with Him through them (by the way, we are all called to evangelize and share the Gospel to others who don’t Him).

My prayer for the second group was that they learn what it means to be in real relationship with Jesus and not focus on religion, but relationship. Not just attend church or post scriptures. But that they put emphasis on building the relationship with Jesus by prioritizing Him in their lives (You can do this by praying and reading your Bible first thing in the morning before you do anything else).

My prayer for the third group is that they realize that the more they draw near to God, the more He will draw near to them. This group can often feel they are doing everything right, so they let up on the gas of pressing into Jesus even more!

After I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to speak to me, My Conversation with God came so quickly that my fingers didn’t stop moving!! This is what the Holy Spirit said to me. I pray you catch it, because it was delivered with quickness:

  • Push your ideas forward faster.

  • I gave you those ideas.

  • Just push.

  • I’ll guide you.

  • Fast paced.

  • With Me, you will be moving very fast, but I won’t let you miss a turn.

  • JUST GO!

  • No more waiting.

  • Push forward faster.

  • When I give you ideas, write them down, and then push.

  • The deadline is today.

  • Daily assignments.

  • Push.

  • Daily completions.

  • I can only add my supernatural force when you are already in motion. PUSH!

  • Write it down. Push it out.

  • No more delays with thoughts and overthinking.

  • Don’t think…DO!

  • I wired you for quick output!

As I was feverishly writing down everything the Holy Spirit was downloading to me this morning, I again thought about those two phrases: wired for work and crafted for my calling. I again thought about Romans 8:28 and the conclusion that I came up with is this: God has been preparing me all along for my purpose in this life. And even when I took the long road on some assignments or missed some deadlines, He still used the long road and the misses as part of the crafting process.

I went to school for mass communications. I focused on writing. I thought I wanted to be on the radio but an ASSIGNMENT for one of my freshman classes led me to meet and interview a professor at the school’s TV station. I will never forget what he said and this was back in like 1995 or 1996. He said, “if you learn how to write, you can do anything: radio, tv, or newspaper.” I took his advice and honed in on the writing because it was always something I loved to do anyway. I considered it my strength more so than speaking. God wired me to write. I was calling it a strength, but God put that in me when He wired me. God used that freshman ASSIGNMENT to get me on the path for my purpose. As I pursued a career as a journalist/reporter, the lure of money pulled me further and further away from writing. But guess what? God is still using every single one of those jobs that “I chose for myself”; experiences that I put myself into; and relationships that I forced, forged, or fell into, for His Glory! He is using ALL OF IT!

One thing I used to tell people all the time is that I worked/wrote better under pressure. I used to say, “well you know, working at a newspaper, you had to go out and get the news, and come back and construct a story, to be published the very next day. It was pressure. There was no choice but to put pen to pad and get it done. I was on a deadline. I had an assignment to complete. If I didn’t do it, I could lose my job. So I did it. Often times, it would be stressful, but little did I know, I was building up for greater writing, greater pressures, greater works for God’s Kingdom. God used it all!

I also used to get super upset when I would write a story and the editor would rewrite it. I mean re-write it to a point where I almost didn’t even recognize it as my own. That used to really get to me. But it was that anger that kept welling up in me to not just become a better writer (because no matter how great you got, the editor had the final say and could do whatever they wanted), but that anger led me to want to write “my own stuff.” I used to sit in the newsroom and think about writing, “what I wanted to write about.” I wanted to write about relationships. Why? It’s something about relationships that draw me in (literally). LOL!! But those thoughts of writing “my own stuff’ sprung into the desire to write a book.

It was in 1998 and I was reading the book “Why Men Cheat” by Michael Baisden. Yup, I was a college student reading this book because I really wanted to know the answer to this question. LOL! But anyway, in the back of Michael’s book was his contact information. Guess who got enough bravery to call this author and ask him how to write a book? ME!!!!! And as with the professor, Michael also gave me advice that I will never forget. He said, “just write the book ole big head girl.” Now why was Michael talking to me like he knew me, I still have yet to figure out. LOL!! But it was his down-to-earth demeanor that had me hanging up the phone with a feeling that I could actually do it. And guess what? I did it! I became an author!

I’m a writer and I could keep going in this blog, (y’all already know) but today, all I want you to do is consider that God wired you for your work; He crafted, (and IS still) crafting you for your calling; and because of Romans 8:28, He will use every single detail of your life for your purpose. Don’t think you wasted your time at that company or in that seemingly dead-end job ,or in that relationship with that person that didn’t quite work out. God will use all of it! I am a living testimony. He has prepared me for every assignment He has me on right now. All I have to do is lean and depend on Him, talk to Him about it daily, and trust Him.


Check out your assignment for today. Take a moment to reflect on your life, then answer the questions in your journal.

P.S. One of the assignments that God gave me a while ago was to write down all my jobs I have ever had. It was fun going back down memory lane when I worked at fast food places and in the mall. I even remembered jobs that I had forgotten all about!! But you know what that exercise/assignment revealed to me? It revealed my wiring. It wasn’t just the jobs themselves. It was the reasons I went to those jobs or the reasons I left those jobs or the revelations I had while IN those jobs. So I want you to go back down memory lane and allow God to reveal some new things to you about your old life.

Pray. Listen. Write. Obey.

Your Assignment For Today:

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

What did God wire you to do?

What calling has God crafted you for?

What deadline has God set that you keep missing?

The Holy Spirit led me to look up another word for deadline. Check out the similar words: time limit, finishing date, finishing time, target date. target time, cutoff point.

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Ezekiel 3!!! Read about Ezekiel’s mission!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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