Encouragement Ink

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From Zero to Leftovers...Real Quick!


This morning was fantastic!! It was awesome and being well rested showed me how much MORE the Holy Spirit can use me when I am fully rested. He used me anyhow yesterday when I was sleepy, but oh today…I was FULLY FUNCTIONAL! Oh what amazing things God can do in our lives when we are fully functional and well rested.

Let’s get into what the Holy Spirit gave me this morning…oh and it’s REAL GOOD!!

  • Navigational Obedience

  • Obey the guidance and direction from the Holy Spirit

  • Be in tune to the instructions that I give you.

  • Surrender to My guidance, even when you don’t understand the instructions, and even when you don’t understand why I am sending you that way.

  • Trust that I know the best way to get you where I am taking you!

Now after I heard that, I was feeling good. I was like, YES Holy Spirit, we functioning fully today and I feel your presence!

So I got my Bible and opened it for the Scriptural Surprise! It was John 6, the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. You’ve heard the story before I am sure (if not, go read John 6), but in knowing the story, I said, okay, Holy Spirit MUST have a new revelation in this story for me! And oh my goodness, He shole did!!

My attention was focused on all the red text. The red text in your Bible is actually Jesus talking! When I looked at what Jesus said in red, it made me just shout and marvel!

So I read the scriptures, then my eyes just focused in even more on the red! Here’s what Jesus said…in the red verses (New Living Translation):

  • Philip, where can we buy bread to feed all these people?

  • Tell everyone to sit down.

  • Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted.

When you look at what Jesus said, here is the revelation I got from the Holy Spirit this morning:

Jesus already knows what He is going to do when He asks you a question (John 6:5). He asked Philip where could they buy bread to feed 5000 people, and Philip said it would take a small fortune to feed them!

See Jesus asks the question just so you can see how impossible it is, when you answer his question. It’s like when Jesus asks YOU a question and you reply, I have no earthly idea how I can make that happen or how I can do that (and I am guessing that’s where the phrase, I have no “earthly idea” came from).

Now watch this…if we keep looking at the red, after Jesus asked Philip the question, the next thing out of Jesus mouth was instructional. He says, Tell everyone to sit down. When Jesus asks a question, listen closely for His next instruction and follow it exactly. The people sat down. What question is God asking you in this season?

Then after He instructed them to sit down, the next verse in red says: “now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted.”

Of course in verse 11, Jesus took the loaves and gave thanks to God. And yes, that IS the miracle that we all know and have gotten excited about when we heard this story before. But this morning, I got the revelation that through navigational obedience (tell them to sit down), Jesus can take you from zero to leftovers…real quick!! (Y’all better be shouting right now because I am!!!)

Let’s break it down in slow motion, so you can see it again with scripture:

  • Jesus asks you a question just so you can see how impossible it is (John 6:5).

  • Jesus tests you but already knows the answer to the question He is asking you!! (John 6:6)

  • You answer with, “ain’t no way that is possible’ (John 6:7)

  • Someone speaks up and the provision is there but you don’t even realize it. (John 6:8-9)

  • Jesus gives you instructions (John6:10).

  • You follow the instructions (John 6:10). Now don’t miss this nugget of how Jesus gave instructions and they followed the instructions IN THE SAME VERSE!!! Immediate obedience!

  • Jesus provides a miracle answer to the question He asked you and THEN gives you enough to get full off the miracle again by way of leftovers. Miracle Leftovers!!!!! And y’all know them leftovers be good because it’s had time to sit and marinate even more!! (John 6:11-12)

Today’s conversation from the Holy Spirit is pregnant with preaching potential (LOL)! That’s what pastors be saying! But I want to encourage you… follow the instructions immediately that Jesus is giving you after you answer with a “ain’t no way possible! The miracle is in the next verse right after you do what God says do!

Matthew 19:26 says, With God, all things are possible!!


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From Zero to Leftovers…Real Quick

Contemporary English Version

A Word from God.