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How to Finally Finish the Book God Told You To Write!

 (Live Masterclass on Saturday, May 9, 2020 at 10 a.m. Central Time)

God put a book in you and the enemy has been very busy making sure you don’t get it out into the world.

You’ve been sitting on your book for a long time and you’ve maybe sat down to write one chapter, at best. You have had so many starts and restarts, that you just don’t like to talk about it anymore, but you’ve told everybody that you’re writing a book.

Your have set a goal to get this book finished year after year and month after month, but still…NOTHING.

You’ve prayed about it and you’re pretty much tired of disappointing God so you don’t even bring it up in your prayer time anymore.

You know you have an assignment to write, but you’re just stuck!


This masterclass is the exact PUSH you need to finally get your book out of you and finish your assignment by God!

My last book assignment from the Lord was given to me in prayer. I had written down the assignment and knew that the Lord was calling me to write. But I was going no where fast. His instructions were clear. I knew it. But I was struggling to be obedient to what He has called me to do…write the book. I was being disobedient to his instructions and it kept bothering me every single time I talked to Him about anything. It was like my mind would always think about the book.

Trust me, I know exactly how you feel and how much it hurts you to disappoint God by not doing what He asked you to do. I know what it feels like to write it down on your to-do list, make time for it, only to be distracted by something or someone, or sitting there staring a blank screen or at least the start of a book. But hold on before you cry another tear or promise God for the umpteenth time that you are going to get on it this time for real.

I want to share with you the exact way that I wrote my last non-fiction book in THREE DAYS! Yes you read that right! THREE DAYS. I had never done this before and had no idea it was possible, but I was led all the way by the Holy Spirit. And I have a book in hand to prove it! I mean that’s exactly what you want too right? A book that God told you to write, with your name on it as the author, in your hand and the hands of your readers as a published author.

From lack of clarity on how to just get started, to finishing what you have already started, and every excuse in have yet to complete the book assignment that God gave you. That all changes with this masterclass!

If you know God has called you to write a book, this is the season you go from procrastination and hesitation… to book completion!

In this masterclass I will cover:

How to upgrade your prayer life (a strong prayer life is the key that unlocks the writer’s block and gives you the momentum to finish).

Hearing from God & Writing what you hear (God is speaking to us every day, but we have to be in a position to hear Him, and have the tools to write down what He says).

How to Fast for supernatural downloads (when you push away from the table and remove the snacks from your writing table, you can actually allow the Holy Spirit to flow through your fingers with ease. Plus your keyboard won’t have cheetos stains). LOL

How to write the book outline and create a writing schedule (in order to take your reader from point A to point B, C, D, E, F, G, all the way to the end of the book, you need a path. But not just any path. You need a clear path that the Holy Spirit has laid out for you. It’s a straight path, not a crooked one, and your readers will receive everything the Lord has for them when they read your book.

How to finish the book (this is your heart’s desire and you’re so ready to have this book out of your head and into your hands. You’re beyond ready to be an author. Your assignment to God is well past due and you’re ready to please the Lord with your obedience and finally turn it in. Plus deep down you know there is someone waiting on your book to be finished so that it can impact their life. That’s the whole reason God gave you this assignment.

Are you ready to finally finish that book God gave you?

Click the button below to sign up for the class!




Through the class "the minister", Fon James,  was so energetic and her zeal for writing made me feel like I could really write. I had always been so afraid to share my thoughts, and I especially thought I could not write. But, Fon pushed me and would not allow the word "can't." She constantly would say, "what is the Holy Spirit leading you to say, be led by the spirit." She was a wealth of knowledge and was willing to share. She provided step by step instructions to writing and publishing. She enthusiastically shared all of resources she had that would lead me to my final edits, cover and launch what I knew God was calling me to- not just a book but a movement for women to transform from process to purpose. 

Dr. Erica Thompson Quinn, Author, The Transforming: 31 Days of Process for Purpose

In 2019, what I thought was a chance encounter by joining a writing group turned out, literally, to be a matter of life and death. Fon Strong James is truly anointed by the Holy Spirit!  She will not only see you clear to publishing your book; but her guidance in getting you to listen and obey the Holy Spirit throughout the process is truly life changing!  As I followed her instructions and obeyed the Holy Spirit, my published book made it into the hands of a family member [of whom it was written to and about] who transitioned from this life 30 days after the book reached his hands. This was not just an experience but an assignment from God for both of us; and I will be forever grateful for Fon’s expertise and generosity in helping me achieve a part of my destiny!

 Janice Sherman, Author, Pushing Through the Wind:  Incarcerated But Not Forgotten

I joined Fon’s class in the Fall of 2019 and my goal was to be published sometime in the Summer of 2020. Thanks to Fon’s knowledge and skills as a published author, excellent coaching, and her selfless personal dedication to help me reach my goal, my book was published sooner than I had planned. My book writing was finished, published and made available for purchase on Amazon in March of 2020! Fon, Thank you so much for being obedient and responding to the call that God has placed in your heart to bless others.

Linda Cole, Author, I Am Queen

I believe that God often responds to the desires of our hearts by the obedience of one of His servants.  Fon James is that servant who obeys the voice of God.  Not only does she inspire you, she pushes you to become the best version of yourself. Fon challenges you in a way that causes you to desire to be the writer you know you were meant to be.  She will give you access to any and all resources needed to become a successful author.  I am grateful that Fon chose to be obedient to her calling!!!!

Sabrina Shelby, Author, I’m Okay With Me: A Journey Towards Self-Acceptance

I joined a book writing life group that Fon was leading.  I had one book I was working on and another book that I was hoping to complete in Fon’s class.  In the true Fon fashion, she began to sense that something was blocking me from completion and she was dead-on.   I began to tell her about the other book that I had completed but was still trying to edit it to get it out.  Fon intuitively knew that I was to complete the initial book 1st then work on the next thing.  Then she began to check on me faithfully to ensure that I released the book that God had purposed in my heart to release.  Fon is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom on so many things.  But it was Fon’s tenacity and relentless nudging that I was moving in the right direction that gave me the confidence to complete my book.  I thank God for Fon because she has a heart of gold and is a remarkable asset for the kingdom of God. 

Tonya Howard Quinn, Author, Mastering Me: Key’s To Living Your God Ordained Destiny