Encouragement Ink

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2019...Plus A Decade of God's Faithfulness!

God’s Word


Today marks the last day of this year and the last day of this decade!! Can you believe it? This morning in the prayer closet was a full moment of reflection over the last year and the last decade. The one thing that has never changed over this last year and decade is God’s faithfulness. He has been a faithful Father and with tears in my eyes as I laid there on my face, on the prayer closet floor, I gave Him all the PRAISE and all the THANKS I could. I am still thanking Him right now, because if it had not been for the Lord, I don’t know that I would be writing this blog to you today!

This morning, the Holy Spirit said: I am not going anywhere. I will always be here for you!

To be honest, I could stop the blog right there! If that’s not enough to usher us into the new year and the start of a new decade, then I don’t know what else would be. God being with me is all I need and it’s all I will ever need while here on this earth.

As I prayed this morning, I was thinking this is the last prayer for this year and then I said, nah, I will be praying throughout the day and tonight too. LOL! But what is more accurate is that this is the last blog post of this year. Hey, no worries, God didn’t tell me to stop this assignment, so I will be right back tomorrow with the first blog of the new year and the new decade.

One of the things that I reflected on this morning was how consistent I have been with prayer and writing. To be completely honest, I am astonished at who I have become over this last year (well technically over the last 317 days of praying daily). I always wanted this life, but didn’t realize that daily prayer would create in me a non-negotiable attitude about spending time with Jesus. My whole life has been rearranged to accommodate my time with Jesus.

For so long, I wanted this life, but it wasn’t until I got around other people who also wanted it that it really changed for me. You can’t keep hanging around the same people and wanting a different life. It just doesn’t work that way. You have to separate yourself from those who don’t want what you want. And watch how God raises up divine connections and puts you with the people who will help you live the life you desire and want the same that you do.

Anyway, this morning I wrote down all that I could remember of what has happened to me this year. God has been faithful and God has answered so many of my prayers. I am even confident in knowing that the ones he didn’t answer were still in fact answered, just not the way I thought. I learned to accept His Way, not my own. Here are just a few of the things because the blog would be extensive if I tried to list everything. These are the highlights (in no particular order):

  • Joined and successfully completed the 1-Hour Prayer Challenge Life Group at Church, which led to God assigning me to this blog.

  • Started a daily blog where I pray, hear from God, write down what I hear and share it online. (you’re reading it now).

  • Got water baptized.

  • My son got water baptized.

  • Received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and showed sign by speaking in unknown languages (this alone took my prayer life to a level I never knew was even possible! So yeah, I speak in tongues! You should want to too! It’s the perfect prayer language!).

  • Wrote a book in 3 days while fasting. It’s called Permission Slips: Getting God’s Permission in Love, Work, and Life.

  • Started two businesses: Encouragement Ink International, LLC (for-profit business) and Encouragement Ink Discovery & Educational Center (non-profit business).

  • Attended my first night of prophecy at Word of Life Church.

  • Attended Transformation Church’s V1 Conference in Tulsa, OK.

  • Attend Believe Big Again Conference.

  • My book Permission Slips is now being sold at the Word of Life Church bookstore (and I didn’t even ASK for it to be. This was truly a blessing from God.)

  • Successfully led A Clear Path to Publishing Life Group at church where I encouraged more than 20 women to finish the book God placed inside of them. Several women finished their books!!!! Others got further along than they ever had before!!

  • I restored my bookshelf by buying tons of books and restored my love for reading by reading the Bible daily and other books to help me grow spiritually, financially, and relationally.

  • Got a whole new set of sister friends through divine connections and life groups.

Okay, like I said, I could keep going, but I know y’all got to start your own lists so that you can reflect on how faithful God has been to in your life this year! If you haven’t done that, take time to just jot down what comes to your mind. You’ll be even more grateful for ALL that God has done!

To God Be The Glory for 2019 and for these last 10 years. I am thankful and honored that He saw fit to use me in spite of me. God gets the glory!

And the last Scriptural Surprise for this year came from John 12!! God came to save the world, not condemn us! Jesus is the light of the world. Let his light lead you into 2020!

Bye Bye 2019!

Me and God and our Conversations will see you all in 2020!!!






If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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The perfect companion to my new book Permission Slips!

Get your new digital prayer journal here!

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