Skipping Levels in 2020

God’s Word

God’s Word


I brought in the New Year praising the Lord and watching Bishop T.D. Jakes online. The sermon lasted right on into the New Year and he didn’t pause to do any countdowns either. He kept preaching! And what a mighty and prophetic Word of God it was! Prior to watching Bishop Jakes, I rang in the New Year with Elevation Church’s live online praise party. Steven Furtick also gave an amazing Word from God. And of course, when the clock struck midnight, I praised the Lord with my kids and prayed for us! It was absolutely an amazing night/morning! Bringing in the new year praising the Lord is the only way to START!

This morning I got up a bit later due to the fact that I didn’t get into bed until after 1 a.m., but I can’t wait to share what the Holy Spirit gave me this morning, so let’s JUMP right to it! When you read it, you’ll see how prophetic it was just now for me to say, let’s JUMP RIGHT TO IT!

After praying, I opened my new journal for 2020 and here’s what I heard from the Lord:

  • Skipping Levels!!!

  • Hold My hand because we are about to skip levels!!

  • Don’t hesitate. Take my hand and JUMP!

  • Bend your knees because the jump is going to be high!

  • We are skipping levels!

  • Steps that others took, you won’t have to take.

  • Don’t be alarmed, be ready!

  • Don’t be dismayed, be ready!

  • Don’t be distracted, be ready!

  • Don’t try to fit in with your responses, you are skipping levels!

  • HOW = ME

  • When they ask you HOW, you say My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

  • When they ask you HOW you do that, tell them about ME!

  • Everything I do for you, is so they can see it and ask you HOW!

  • How = Me

  • How = God

  • How = Your Lord and Savior

  • Nothing catches Me by surprise Fon.

  • 2019 was mind blowing PREPARATION. What I am doing in 2020 will have them asking HOW!

  • How = ME

  • You will know the answer to the HOW. The answer is: IT IS I! THE GREAT I AM!

  • You’re skipping levels!

  • HOW = ME

  • The Blog is skipping levels!

  • The Businesses are skipping levels!

  • Your love life is skipping levels!!

  • HOW = ME

  • 2019 was prep for the highest jump you have ever taken!

  • You’re not going to walk this path, you’re going to LONG JUMP IT!

  • You’re going to skip levels!

  • HOW = ME

  • They will ask: How did she do that? Your reply: God did that!

  • Hold my hand because you will never get as high without THE MOST HIGH!!!

  • Don’t try to explain it with your own words. Just tell them about Me!

  • I am about to cause you to skip so many levels that they won’t be able to help but ask HOW DID THAT HAPPEN LIKE THAT.




If I could type and jump, I would be doing it right now because I believe this word from the Lord this morning. All I could visualize in my head was track and field. The high jump. The long jump. I could see myself standing with the Lord, holding his hand as WE do the LONG JUMP and how HIGH I get and how much further ahead I will land!! HOW? JESUS! That’s HOW!

Welcome to 2020! The mind blowing has already begun! JUMP UP out of that bed and let’s get to work for the Kingdom of God! We about to SKIP LEVELS!!!!

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

Today’s Scriptural Surprise!!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise!!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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