Put God First, Not Your Feelings!

God’s Word

God’s Word


How can you be feeling all weak and not wanting to get up on just the 2nd day of the new year? You just heard all the hype messages of this new year being your year and even yesterday’s blog where the Lord clearly told me we are going to skip levels in 2020. But then to go bed ready to conquer the new year, and wake up feeling like you don’t even want to get up and pray? How is that even possible? It’s possible people. And you need to know that it’s possible so you can know exactly how to overcome it…ASAP!

This morning as I got up later than usual to pray, I felt extremely tired. I’m talking about extreme y’all. Like I had just worked a double shift as a fast food joint back in my teenage years. I started praying while I was just laying there. That’s point #1. Open your mouth, even if your body doesn’t feel like moving. Talk to God right there. I promise you, He will meet you where you are! Don’t let the enemy put thoughts of defeat or laziness or stuff like “look at you…already giving up on the 2nd, 3rd, 10th day of the new year” in your head. It’s a slick way designed to get you to thinking that you have messed up already and now you can’t be perfect with your consistency. But listen to me…it’s not about perfection. It is only about progress.

As I lay there having a conversation with God IN THE BED this morning, I was like, Lord, why don’t I feel like getting up?” If you have read this blog for any length of time, then you know I started it back in March 2019 in obedience to God telling me to share our (mine and his) conversation, so it’s not like my consistency should ever be off, right? Wrong! That’s exactly what me and the Lord talked about when I finally pushed myself out of the bed. I was determined to get to the prayer closet and that’s point #2 be determined to pray, no matter how you feel.

I got in the prayer closet this morning. Got on my knees. Felt like I wanted to cry because I was so weak in Spirit. But I once again, opened my mouth, and prayed. I remember saying, “Lord I need you this morning because I just don’t feel energized.” And that’s when the Lord said this to me:

  • You won’t always “feel” like it.

  • Come to Me even when you don’t “feel” like it.

  • I will meet you where you are.

  • Come to Me even when you don’t “feel” like it and watch me still use you.

  • Trust Me.

  • Put Me first before your feelings.

  • I don’t want you to ever think you don’t need Me, even when you feel energetic. You still need Me.

  • Don’t ever think that because you have done this assignment for so long that you don’t need me to do it anymore.

  • You can’t do this blog assignment from Me in your own strength.

  • You must come to Me first so that the enemy won’t try to use your weakness against you.

  • Call on Me FIRST when you’re weak!

You may be thinking I feel super energetic right now because you see all these black letters on this white page, strewn into sentences, but I know I am standing on 2nd Corinthians 12:10 right now! The power of Christ is on Me, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this blog today.

What about you? Are you still feeling fired up and ready to blast off into this new year on day 2 or are you like me and “feeling” tired already? Either way, I know that because I put God first…He will give me everything I need (Matthew 6:33) and my feelings really don’t even matter! I am thankful that God gave me this on the 2nd day of the year. It’s merely preparation for all the future days where feelings may try to get involved. God first, not feelings!

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

New Year…New Things! The Scriptural Surprise will now be featured in a graphic! And of course if God gives me something to say on it, I will share that conversation in the blog. The graphic may change sometimes, but I wanted to make sure you knew where the new home for the Scriptural Surprise would be. Check it out below!!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise!!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise!!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

Psssst! If you enjoyed today’s blog, become a subscriber! I want to help you get connected to me via email on a daily basis so you won’t miss a day of My Conversations With God. Get the blog sent to your inbox daily by signing up here!! Trust me, God will speak to you too! Need to email me? I can be reached at info@onassignmentbyGod.com


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