It Won't Always Make Sense

God’s Word

God’s Word


Holy Spirit: It won’t always make sense! Just be obedient!

That’s what I heard the Lord say to me this morning during my prayer time. He continued by saying:

Holy Spirit: I have called you to do things you thought only certain people can do. If I called YOU to do it, you CAN do it!

When my mind tried to go to the question of How? He reminded me of my recent blog where He already answered the question: HOW = ME! He told me the other day, when the question of How comes up, the answer is HIM!

Holy Spirit: Be careful not to judge people who aren’t on the same path as you. Ask Me what to say to them. Always ask Me.

If someone asked me do I judge people, I would immediately say NO! Because to me, in my mind, I try very hard not to judge people. But when I look at other people’s decisions or when people say things that I don’t agree with, I am actually in perfect position to judge them and I may not say anything out loud, but that thought I think (even if it’s brief) is me judging them. The Holy Spirit wanted to bring that to my attention this morning. He wants to use us, not to be the judge or jury, but to be whatever He instructs us to be.

Holy Spirit: Don’t say, “Let me think about it.” Instead say, “Lord, what do you say about it?” Then wait on Me to answer you.

I confess and repent for being an over thinker. I will think about stuff sooooo long. I will think so long that I start trying to figure it out myself. It’s a habit that I am praying for the Lord to deliver me from. Wait! I declare that I am delivered from it in Jesus name right now! I ain’t waiting to pray about it…I just did! Thank you Jesus for delivering me from being an over thinker right now!! We can’t be waiting y’all to pray or saying stuff like, ‘God is working on me.’ Don’t you know that God can change you in an instant? Let’s stop limiting God with our timing! God said you can be delivered right now from whatever it is that has you bound. Deliverance is available NOW!

Holy Spirit: Unconventional Moves! Your moves are not going to be typical! Stop thinking about using conventional methods when I have already given you unconventional visions!!

WOW! Thank you Father for being faithful and reminding me! The Lord has already told me I am skipping levels and shown me visions, and my brain keeps trying to rationalize my next moves.

Holy Spirit: I already have everything figured out. Stop wrecking your brain trying to figure it out. Talk to Me, and I will reveal what you need to see and what you need to know.

When you have lived your life where you were always trying to figure out what to do next, or how to get to the next level, the Lord is saying to you…TRUST ME WITH YOUR LIFE MOVES. When you trust God with your whole life, He will direct your paths. Now His ways may not be how you thought. His ways may not be your ways. His ways may be unconventional. His ways won’t always make sense to you, but trusting Him and having faith in Him is all about letting go of YOUR way, and letting the Lord have HIS WAY in your life.

This year, his assignments may not make sense to you or to me, but at this point in my life…I am rocking with His plan. I am staying in His face. I am staying on my knees. I am staying in His presence. I am asking Him what He says. I am getting His permission. I am putting Him first. I am letting Him lead the way. And I ain’t gonna try to figure it out NO MO! Yeah you read that exactly how I said it. LOL!

Let’s gooooo 2020! It won’t always make sense to me, but if God said it…that’s what I am doing!

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

New Year…New Things! The Scriptural Surprise will now be featured in a graphic! And of course if God gives me something to say on it, I will share that conversation in the blog. The graphic may change sometimes, but I wanted to make sure you knew where the new home for the Scriptural Surprise would be. Check it out below!!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise!!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise!!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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