Get My Word In You!

Get My Word In You!

“But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!” John 15:7 NLT


It is a rainy and thunderous Saturday morning here, and I have said it before, but I will say it again. I LOVE SATURDAY morning prayer time. I don’t have to do anything but continuing praying, listening, and journaling. It’s pretty amazing to wake up early to pray on a Saturday. You know you’ve grown spiritually when you wake up early to pray on a Saturday. I love it!! Let’s get into the conversation me and Holy Spirit had this morning.

  • Accelerate!

  • Get my word IN you.

  • Order everything you need today to complete your assignments. Design two products today and finish it today!

  • Know the Word for yourself. Study and learn it, so no one can tell you otherwise. (Figure out what works for you when it comes to learning. Check out different Bible plans, apps, a commentary. Just don’t take the same approach you’ve been taking that didn’t work.)

  • Abide in me (I had to look up this scripture. I only heard the first 3 words. It’s John 15:7, the picture above).

  • Everything I am doing in this season is new. You don’t have to act like you’ve done it before to impress others. You haven’t done THIS. You’re doing everything with ME this time.

  • You will help millions of people. (When I heard this, I didn’t write it down immediately. I said, did I hear that right Holy Spirit. Because I know I had been watching some stuff about a conference yesterday with the same title so I just want to be clear that’s you and not my thoughts coming in on this. What I heard next was so funny. Holy Spirit said, so you would have felt better if I had said you will help thousands? All I could do was laugh. Then Holy Spirit said You will help millions of people. Don’t worry about how. I am just preparing your mind first. (and as I am typing this right now, clearly He knew I needed some serious mind prep!! LOL!)

  • Speak the truth and shame the devil (you can only speak the truth when you have my Word in you).

  • The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. (Of course I asked what is being taken away. Holy Spirit said: Anything not part of the plans I have for you. Then I had to look up this verse. It’s in the book of Job, chapter 1, verse 21. He said, I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!” The revelation I got from reading this is that no matter what happens, I will STILL praise the name of the Lord!

  • You are a blessing to bless others.

  • More will come. Get My Word in you!

  • When things come up against you, combat it with My Word.

  • Urgent obedience means urgent blessings.

Have a blessed Saturday and expect something wonderful and miraculous to happen today!! I know I am!



Word from God

Word from God