Watch Ya Mouth!

Watch Ya Mouth!

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable and pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my [firm, immovable] rock and my Redeemer.” Psalms 19:14 Amplified Bible


This morning Holy Spirit gave me WORDS. That was actually the word that He spoke to me. WORDS. I immediately remembered the scripture that I had learned as a youngster: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” Before I share with you what God said to me today, I want to share a few of the translations of this verse. Now if you fall asleep reading the Bible or have not had an interest in reading it, get a new Bible or download the Bible app so that you can read a translation that resonates with you. The Bible is what’s missing in your life. Read it to get clear on what to do, where to go, who to talk to, how to handle any situation, and just learn more about God, your creator. Okay, now back to the verse (you bout to get some Bible in ya today!)

Here’s Psalms 19:14 in the EASY Translation:

“Lord, I want everything that I say to make you happy. I want all my thoughts to please you. You are my Rock and you are my Redeemer.”

Here’s Psalms 19:14 in the Passion Translation:

“ So may the words of my mouth, my meditation-thoughts, and every movement of my heart be always pure and pleasing, acceptable before your eyes, my only Redeemer, my Protector-God.”

I just love reading different translations because they always give you a different perspective of the Word. Now King James is what you always should read first, but then go to the other translations to get even more from the Word. Now, when you really want that straight-up, sorta gangsta style translation, you want to read The Message Bible. Maaaaan! The Message Bible so dope that you can’t just read one verse. It requires you to read ALL the verses in that section to get a full understanding. If you try to just read verse 14, it will be in there as 11-14, so the Message translation straight hems you up into 4 verses when you only went there looking for one. That’s Gangsta! Peep the same verse out in the Message translation.

Psalms 19:11-14: MSG

“There’s more: God’s Word warns us of danger and directs us to hidden treasure. Otherwise how will we find our way? Or know when we play the fool? Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh! Keep me from stupid sins, from thinking I can take over your work; Then I can start this day sun-washed, scrubbed clean of the grime of sin. These are the words in my mouth; these are what I chew and pray. Accept them when I place them on the morning altar, O God, my Altar-Rock, God, Priest-of-My-Altar.”

Bruh (as my son says too much these days). I told you that Message Bible be straight, no chaser! Any translation that uses the word grime is getting down in the ditch with you to give you that Word. My favorite part is, Keep me from stupid sins! That hit hard.

And with that, let’s get right back into what the Holy Spirit said to me this morning (keeping this verse in mind as you read through this conversation):

  • Be careful what you say. Be careful how you say it. Be bold when I tell you to speak up or speak out. But always watch ya mouth (I can’t help but think back to my former days when I would get upset with someone who said something and I would literally say “You just be saying stupid stuff…don’t even make sense.” I felt like God is saying…be careful and don’t say nothing stupid, whether it be verbally, or written on social media, in an email, text message, DM, or whatever).

  • Be positive in your words. Don’t speak negatively about anyone. Every person you see, God created them, so watch ya mouth (Holy Ghost went Gangsta…Watch Ya Mouf talking bout God’s creations.

  • When a person or situation works your nerve, talk to ME about it. I’ll tell you how to handle them or whatever it is (Go to God with Grievances) and stop running ya mouth about it to other folks.

  • Don’t say one thing and do another. When you do that, you’re not modeling my likeness. I made you in my image. That means your word must be true like mine. I stand on my word. You should do the same too.

Now mind you when I opened my prayers up, I asked the Holy Spirit to use me in a mighty way. I wanted to not be just praying and going through the motions, so I try to completely let go and allow the Spirit to just take over. I felt the Spirit move from talking about Words and watching ya mouth, to talking about my heart (oh wait a minute nah. I wasn’t ready for this much might). LOL!!

For so many years, I have portrayed this tough exterior of a woman. You know the kind. The woman who says, you can’t hurt me. Or I can move on and not let this even bother me. But do you know that God is the only one who knows my TRUE HEART. He made me. He knows when I am just “putting on a tough front to protect my heart” but this morning, it got real emotional in the prayer closet and I broke down. The crazy thing to me is that I have been so conditioned not to just let go and cry. Even in the prayer closet with MY FATHER, I felt myself trying NOT TO CRY but that’s when I heard the Holy Spirit say these words:

  • Sometimes I’m just showing you what’s possible. You’ll know if it’s permanent when I tell you. But because I love you so much, I like to encourage you by showing you what’s possible; and that what you thought was impossible IS possible with ME. When I show you possible, it’s a sign to let you know, I GOT YOU. And don’t try to figure out HOW I will do it. Just smile at the preview when I show you it’s possible (Prayers Give You Previews).

  • I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I know everything that you want. I haven’t forgotten not one single detail of your heart’s desire (I was straight boo-hooing at this moment. I mean the Holy Spirit was speaking my love language. I felt SO LOVED in this moment). My eyes are tearing up now just writing it here again. To know that God has not forgotten one single detail of what I desire in my heart is EVERYTHING TO ME!).

  • Trust me to exceed your expectations (I TRUST YOU GOD WITH MY WHOLE HEART)!

I felt so good when I left out of my prayer closet. I listened to some praise and worship music and just floated around the room on this LOVE HIGH. NOW THIS IS LOVE!

Praying is so powerful and I can’t tell you how awesome it is just to feel overwhelmingly loved by God. Being obedient is EVERYTHING. It’s not at all what I thought when I was being disobedient. It’s a warm and loving bond that fills every void in your life. #PrayerChangesEverything

You are SO LOVED!

Happy Tuesday!


Word from God

Word from God