From 0 - 100, Just Like That!

From 0 - 100, Just Like That!

(25) “At midnight, Paul and Silas were praying. They were also singing songs to praise God. The other people in the prison were listening to them. (26) The ground suddenly moved about strongly under the prison. Immediately, all the prison doors opened. The chains that held the people in the prison all fell off.” Acts 16:25-26 EASY Translation


I want to start off this morning by saying that I wasn’t always this person. Well, I take that back. It was always IN ME, but I wasn’t being who God called me to be in my daily actions. What you’re reading now in this blog everyday is straight up, Holy Ghost power in action and me surrendering to God’s way.

Today marks 60 consecutive days of daily prayer time and over the last 60 days I have experienced a new life like never before. I have seen God do some stuff that you would NOT believe, but you better believe it, because that’s how AWESOME God is. God can change your whole life in an instant! Let me get to what the Holy Spirit said to me today. Put your seatbelts on…we are about to to blast into another dimension.

Here’s how it went down today in the prayer closet with The Holy Spirit:

  • Chains. It’s time to break free form the chains that have had you bound. Physical chains and mental chains. (I read Acts 16:25-40. When you read that scripture, you will see how praying and praising broke the chains not just on the people who were doing the praying and singing, but everyone around them. And it happened SUDDENLY! Go read it!)

  • Hold tight to Me because it’s coming fast! (What’s coming fast Holy Spirit?) A change in your circumstances is coming so fast. You’re going from 0-100!!!

  • Immediate obedience = immediate blessings.

  • There is some stuff I got for you that I’m ready to blink and change your whole environment. Hold on to me because this change about to happen so fast. You not going to believe how instant I do it for you.

  • You’re going to go to sleep and wake up in a whole new season…JUST LIKE THAT!

  • If you doubt that I can, I won’t do it. Why? Because you don’t believe. But when you believe I can, I will. Just let me do what I do. Go read My Word for proof. Go find every JUST LIKE THAT moment in the Bible and write it down. (I went to Matthew 8:13).

  • I am the same God yesterday, today, and forever more.

  • Who you gonna believe. Them or Me?

  • Even for instant oatmeal to expand, you need water and time. I am the living water and my timing is not your timing.

  • I am about to expand you in an INSTANT!!

  • Look back at your life and write down those times where I changed your circumstances in an instant. This is not the first time and it won’t be the last, but this time, it’s going to be bigger than ever because of your obedience and because of your deeper connection to me.

  • You trusted me before with little, so I gave you little. Now you’re trusting me in a BIG way and I am about to bless you in an even BIGGER way (YES GOD!!!).

Hearing from the Holy Spirit this morning was mind blowing! Yall, LISTEN TO ME!! God is ready to break you free from whatever it is that has you bound. PRAY and PRAISE HIM and watch how He breaks you free and takes you on a wild ride of 0 to 100 IMMEDIATELY, SUDDENLY, and JUST LIKE THAT!

I am holding on to God real tight because I believe it’s gonna be faster than I have ever seen or anything I can imagine! I’m excited and READY! Leggo God!!!

Word from God

Word from God