Preparation Season

Preparation Season

“Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise!


This morning I got up sleepy…AGAIN! But I pushed through. Often times when I wake up sleepy, I just ask Holy Spirit to help me not to fall asleep while praying, and I am always reminded that He needs to use me. When I hear that, I almost instantly feel a source of strength to begin praying. This is what Holy Spirit said today:

  • Keep doing your best. Don’t give up.

  • Rely on Me for every dot in each “i” and every cross in each “t”

  • I am changing the way you operate day-to-day. It’s taking some time because for so long you did it your way. But little by little, I am restoring you to who I made you to be.

  • Everything I am giving you to do is preparing you.

  • I am changing you from a person who wings it and has success, to a God-prepared-me-for-this success kinda person.

  • You GOT TO PLAN Fon. You have never really planned before, so now because of the assignments I am giving you to do, you have to plan it out. I know it seems daunting, but TRUST ME, you can plan. You are a great planner. Just listen to me, get into planning position, and watch me do the rest.

  • Get everything done today that I told you to do!

So with that being said…I am off to get my assignments completed!! What has God told you to do that you need to step up and just handle? Write it down and do it. With God, you got this!

Word from God

Word from God