Dig Deeper!

Dig Deeper!

The Passion Translation

The Passion Translation


What a glorious Friday morning it is!! This is a new day to get it right. A new day to do what God called you to do. A new day that you have never seen before. What if we actually treated today like we have never seen it before? You know when you go to a new place, you’re all excited about the experience of seeing things you have never seen before.

Why don’t we wake up like that every day? A new day that we are here on earth should be exciting. We should arise with the excitement of seeing things we have never seen before. We haven’t seen today before! But we don’t wake up like that! Why not? Is it because you think you already know what the day will hold? Is it because you feel like the movie Groundhog Day, where you keep waking up and experiencing the same day over and over and over and over again? Do you know why you keep experiencing the same day over and over? I’ll tell you why. It’s because you’re not recognizing that THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE. The Bible says we should rejoice and be glad in it. When you wake up with the wrong mindset, you won’t experience all God has for you. You won’t wake up rejoicing and being glad.

So what if you just close your eyes right now, fall back asleep for a second (don’t get fired nah), and then open your eyes with the mindset that, THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE, I WILL REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT! Notice you said, I WILL…not I’ll try!

God has a word for you today, so now that you are ready for the day…let me tell you what me and God talked about this morning (and yes I woke up on time because it was another night on the sofa…come onnnnnn mattress in a box. LOL. I am going shopping for new sheets today because I believe tonight is the night! LOL LOL!). But I hear God saying…I want you to have that same instantaneous get-up when you sleep on the new mattress. LOL!!

Okay, here is what the Holy Spirit said to me this morning as I sat on the floor of the prayer closet:

  • I have you in this season for a reason.

  • Don’t be so focused on the harvest season that you miss this season of planting I have you in.

  • Dig deeper!

  • Focus on getting your seeds in the ground. And that’s all you should be focused on.
    Don’t focus on the harvest YET!! (y’all I love the word YET!)

  • Let the seeds of this season take root.

  • Whatever you want to see in 2020, plant the seed in this season!

  • Sow into it now, so that it can begin to take root.

  • Plant ONLY the seeds I placed in your hands.

And then the Holy Spirit told me to ask you…what seeds has God placed in your hand?

Now if we think about seeds for a minute, remember that we reap what we sow. I believe God has placed some seeds of books, businesses, new jobs, new relationships, new levels in Him, new levels of generosity, and even seeds of financial increase with no debt in your hands.

In order to reap a harvest in all these areas, God is saying you must sow a seed in these areas that are specific to you. For example, if God has placed the seed of writing a book in your hand, it’s time to get your hands dirty and plant that seed right now in fertile ground. Planting that seed may mean writing the first chapter or a summary of the book or having a conversation with someone who has written a book (uhhh hello). LOL!

If God has given you a seed of financial increase, then it means you are planting the seed of saving more or investing in His kingdom. Whatever you have envisioned yourself reaping for financial increase, you are to start sowing into that right now. This is the season to sow into that thing! I pray that this is coming through clearly to you. God is wanting you to plant the seed NOW that you want to reap LATER.

If it’s relationships, that means you’re planting the seed of being WHOLE as a single person. That means you’re doing what He called you to do as a single woman or man. So that when that new relationship harvests, it’s a WHOLE harvest and not partial harvest. WOW! I feel that one. I don’t know if you have ever purchased fruit or veggies that weren’t quite ready and they were hard or bitter or just not right. God is saying, you are the seed, plant yourself where you need to be so that you can be whole in Him, and then and only then will you be ripe for the picking! JESUS!!! (that was for the ladies because HE that finds a wife). And for the brothers, you will be able to spot the ripe fruit immediately on sight because you know a WHOLE woman when you see one now that you have become a WHOLE man yourself!

Yall my journal didn’t have any of this stuff about seeds and relationships in it, but I did ask the Holy Spirit to write this blog…soooooo yeah! Let’s go HolyGhost!

What seeds have God placed in your hand? Write them down and then go dig deep and plant them…TODAY!

P.S. I almost forgot about the Scriptural Surprise!!!! It was Ecclesiastes chapter 3! A time for everything!

Enjoy all the new things God will show you today…now that you are looking!



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A Word from God.

A Word from God.

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