Encouragement Ink

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Discovery...Not Reinvention!

God’s Word


Last night I prayed a prayer. I asked the Lord to reveal things that He wanted me to see about my future work in my dreams. Well of course I woke up this morning and don’t remember what I dreamed. I went into the prayer closet with my blanket draped around me (it was super cold this morning) and I knelt down and began my conversation with God. When I tell you that He answered last night’s prayer THIS MORNING!!! Y’all I wrote almost 4 pages in my journal this morning! I was praying in the Spirit and it just started flowing AS I WAS PRAYING! So what do you do when God starts downloading during prayer? You grab your journal that you brought into the prayer closet, you keep praying in the Spirit and you start writing what you hear Him saying. Yes, you can pray and write at the same time. It’s amazing! LOL!!

Now of course I won’t even try to give y’all all that He gave me, but I will highlight the parts of our conversation that I believe He wants me to share with you!!! One word that has been constantly popping up in my thoughts, is ESTABLISH! Here is what else He said to me (and you):

  • You don’t have to know it all.

  • I will send the right people to help you.

  • It’s not what you know, but start with what you know first to get ESTABLISHED.

  • I will send you partners, funders, resources, money, and skilled workers.

  • I WON’T WASTE ANY OF IT! (I remember at this point in my prayer that my thoughts were running. He reassured me as my thoughts kept running through all my jobs, all my relationships, my divorce, my being a single mom, this blog, and my life experiences, that He won’t let any of it go to waste!!!! YES I AM SHOUTING!!!)

  • Get Established!

  • I’m going to use ALL of it Fon.

  • It’s a discovery, not a reinvention.

  • You don’t have to invent or reinvent.

As I was writing all of this down feverishly in my journal, I remembered a few years ago I was trying to reinvent myself after my divorce. I had spent numerous hours creating a whole new website called The Art of ReInventing. I was thinking that I could help other divorced women through my coaching business. After I did the whole website and tried to think of how I would coach these women, I couldn’t see it. Here I was freshly divorced myself and I was trying to reInvent myself. I am so thankful that God blocked that because I never felt peace about it. I was trying to force it. But nothing was coming to me. This morning I see why. God said it’s a discovery, not a reinvention. When you are on God’s plan, you are discovering what He placed on the inside of you. And the only way you can discover it, is through prayer, which is communication with God!

Years ago when I had my business coaching practice, I used to do discovery calls. It was basically a call where I would talk to a potential client and sell them on hiring me as their coach. We would go through this “discovery” process to determine where they were and where they wanted to be. Then I would tell them how I could help them as their coach. Most people didn’t really know what they wanted. And some of them wanted to duplicate another person’s business. What I found out after getting them on board as a client, is that a lot of them didn’t really know WHO they were or WHAT they wanted their business to be. It was often a struggle trying to coach them. Now I realize even more-so why it was such a struggle. It’s because we were trying to force fit a business plan that wan’t uniquely them. And nope, I wasn’t doing “Christian” coaching. It was just business coaching with me as their coach (who happened to be a Christian). I wasn’t pushing God’s agenda AT ALL. I wasn’t helping them discover what God’s plan was for their life. And yep, you guessed it. I only saw mild success in that business model. I made a lot of money, but I only saw mild success with the women having purposeful businesses.

But thanks be to God for getting me off of my own plan and into His plan for my life!! Now, I want to encourage you to have your own Discovery Calls with the Holy Spirit! These Discovery Calls are NOW called My Conversations With God. These Discovery Calls happen every morning during my prayer time.

In the book of Daniel, chapter two, verse 28, it says this:

But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has let King Nebuchadnezzar know what will happen in the last days. Your dream and the visions that came into your mind as you lay in bed were these: Daniel 2:28 CSB

In my Prayers That Rout Demons book, I have that verse highlighted. In the book it simply says, You are a God that reveals secrets. Lord, reveal Your secrets unto me. This morning, the Lord revealed so much to me during our discovery call (conversation). When you ask God to reveal the secret things to you, He will! But I believe He will only reveal it when He knows you will write it down and do what He assigns you to do with it.

The Scriptural Surprise today goes right in line with what God was giving me this morning too! It comes from James 5, specifically verse 16 where it says, the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective!

Today, I want to coach you. I want to encourage you to make a morning appointment with God, show up for the appointment, and ask God to reveal His secrets to you, so that you can discover who He made you to be and the assignments He wants you to accomplish for His purposes.

Hearts & Hugs





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If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

Psssst! If you enjoyed today’s blog, become a subscriber! I want to help you get connected to me via email on a daily basis so you won’t miss a day of My Conversations With God. Get the blog sent to your inbox daily by signing up here!! Trust me, God will speak to you too! Need to email me? I can be reached at info@onassignmentbyGod.com


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