Do As I Command...Says the Lord
My Daily Conversations With God
Some days you just have to push through in prayer.
This morning my pillow seemed like it was brand new, freshly washed and fluffed to perfection. Yes it was time to get up out of the bed and I felt the coziest I had ever been. I was like…whhhhyyyy does this pillow feel sooo good like this? I never questioned my why on getting up because I know that prayer is my time with the Lord and also it is the necessary prayer post that I must be on in order to be used here on the earth. But today was a bit of a struggle because the pillow seemed to be sent down from heaven. LOL!
But I got on up! LOL
So what did the Holy Spirit say to me this morning?
Focus more on following my exact commands and instructions.
When you do it exactly as I instruct, then you know that I AM THE LORD.
Don’t ad lib (meaning don’t improvise)
Do it exactly as instructed.
Do it when I say do it.
You must follow my instructions exactly.
You will get it right this time, because I AM establishing you with knowledge and a full understanding.
Even though it will be done quickly, I AM establishing it firmly.
It will be this year!
The scriptural surprise today comes from Ezekiel, chapter 37 where it talks about the Valley of Dry Bones. As I was reading through this chapter, I felt led to write down:
I prophesied…
While I was prophesying…
So I prophesied as He commanded me…
Then you will know that I am the Lord.
I have spoken and I will do it.
These were the words that seemed to stick out to me. I believe Holy Spirit was showing me through this Bible Study reading that we must follow the instructions of the Lord exactly. When the Lord instructs us what to do, we are to DO THAT, and not add anything of our own to it.
As I was sitting on the floor of my prayer closet thinking about this, I realized the relief that comes with not having to figure anything out. We can be purposeful and obedient by simply following the instructions of the Lord.
So I prophesied as I had been commanded. While I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone.” Ezekiel 37:7
P.S. Be sure to press play above & listen to each episode as I always go deeper on the audio version.
What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?
What instructions have you been given by the Lord that you tried to edit or modify? When will you go back to what He said to do and do it?
REMINDER: Don’t forget to read the Scriptural Surprise below and see what the Lord says to you about it.
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Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!
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