My Daily Conversations With God
The release time for the blog is shifting. As the Holy Spirit shifts me in my prayer, I shift. The blog and podcast will now be coming out between 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. central standard time. Thank you for adjusting and thank you for your continued support.
Today many people will no doubt gather to celebrate Independence Day here in the U.S., this morning, I couldn’t help but give the Lord thanks for the freedom that I have!
I’m talking about thankful for the freedom that I have because I am no longer bound by the sins that kept tripping me up for so long! Can you relate? Back in the day, I used to find myself asking God for forgiveness for the same sins. I used to often think, at some point, He is going to say, “for the umpteenth time, I forgive you.” But my Lord and Savior never said that. He welcomed me each time with open arms, but like I said yesterday in the blog, we can’t mistake God’s patience for His approval. God withholds judgment to allow repentance. And while I was always in that position of asking for forgiveness (which I still repent daily and usually more than once a day), there was this feeling of being BOUND by the sin.
Here I was asking to be forgiven over and over and over and over and over and over and over. You get the point because to be honest, I could write “and over” at least 100 more times! This specific sin had me BOUND. That means even though I was asking for forgiveness, I still found myself right back in the same sin.
In the Scriptural Surprise this morning, I read in the 48th book of Isaiah and verse 17, really spoke to my heart, but question from the study notes is really what made me think. Dr. Tony Evans said, what troubles might we be spared should we choose to obey God?
When that one sin (because I won’t act like I didn’t commit others), but when that one sin that really had been feeling like a prisoner, I didn’t immediately recognize that a lot of my struggles and troubles were tied to my disobedience in purity. Yes, that was the sin that had me bound! Let’s read what Isaiah 48:17 says:
This is what the Lord says—
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
“I am the Lord your God,
who teaches you what is good for you
and leads you along the paths you should follow. Isaiah 48:17 NLT
I was asking for forgiveness each time, but I certainly wasn’t allowing the Lord to lead my paths. I was still on my own paths and that path kept leading me back to the prison. I was still being held captive by sin.
But this morning, as grills are being fired up and potatoes for the potato salad are being cut up, I am proud to be living in America, but as a Kingdom citizen, I am more thankful for the freedom to no longer be bound by sin. I am thankful for the freedom to not be making the same mistakes over and over and over again. That evil spirit no longer has me imprisoned physically or mentally. I AM FREE!
In John 8:36, the Bible says, whom the Son sets free is TRULY FREE indeed!
And in my conversation with the Holy Spirit this morning, He told me that. He said: I AM PROUD OF YOUR OBEDIENCE!
Psalms 119:45 says it best:
I have gained perfect FREEDOM by following your teachings. Psalms 119:45
Today I celebrate FREEDOM…the kind that only comes from being INDEPENDENT from sin and DEPENDENT on the SON, Jesus Christ who set me FREE INDEED!
P.S. Be sure to press play above & listen to each episode as I always go deeper on the audio version.
What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?
What’s that one sin that has you bound? Today, ask God to free you from it for good in the mighty name of Jesus! Then celebrate with fireworks and tell the world about your true freedom!
REMINDER: Don’t forget to read the Scriptural Surprise below and see what the Lord says to you about it.
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!
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