Get Yo Life!

Get Yo Life!

New Living Translation

New Living Translation


On this rainy morning in Mississippi, it would normally be hard for me to get up. You know rain sleep is the best sleep, but this morning, I got up ready to pray. When you start praying consistently, you feel this necessary pull to pray. Imagine that you are responsible for getting the prayer up to God for someone who is about to harm themselves or someone who is suffering, would you still want to sleep knowing that? Can you imagine NOT getting up to pray? See that’s the responsibility of praying, especially when you pray in the Spirit. You don’t know who the Holy Spirit is using YOU to pray for. When I THINK I want to stay in bed, I am reminded that the Holy Spirit needs to use me on earth to do God’s will in heaven.

This morning the Holy Spirit gave me some solid reminders that I am sure will help you too!

  • Make sure what you are doing is from Me.

  • Don’t let anyone encourage you to do what you instinctively know NOT to do.

  • Get my Word in You. (I heard Pastor Mike Todd say that getting the Word of God in you is more important than remembering every verse. The Word said in John 14:26 that The Holy Spirit will remind you of everything and will bring it back to your remembrance WHEN you need it. But the Word has to be IN you for it to be brought OUT of you, when you need it).

  • Be careful of those who on the outside look like they mean well. Always ask Me if you should even deal with that person. I can see what you can’t see about them.

The Scriptural Surprise today was Romans 1. The verse that stood out to me the most in this chapter was verse 17.

It’s news I’m most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God’s powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him, starting with Jews and then right on to everyone else! God’s way of putting people right shows up in the acts of faith, confirming what Scripture has said all along: “The person in right standing before God by trusting him really lives.”

So basically, when you believe in Christ, that’s how you truly GET YO LIFE!!!

Have a blessed Thursday and be encouraged to live fully for God. If you’re only half-way committed, change that today. God has way more for you!


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A Word from God.

A Word from God.