He Hears Me!
He Hears Me!
Contemporary English Version
Do you know what happens when you fall asleep watching Dr. Tony Evans on YouTube? You wake up with more wisdom, that’s what!! LOL!!
I heard his voice all throughout my sleep last night and I felt more knowledgeable upon my wake up this morning. Dr. Tony Evans can preach a Word… you hear me? I mean my goodness, the way God uses him to break down the word is binge-worthy! Yesterday I almost fake-threw my phone at the computer when I was listening to a message called, The Strategy of Satan. This message is definitely worth every single one of the 50 minutes it takes to watch it. Or longer if you’re like me and keep rewinding it to hear it again! He referred to the sport of football and said the enemy got game film on you and knows your weaknesses. But the one thing he said that stuck out the most was that the enemy doesn’t care about your church attendance or religion. He ain’t scared of you going to church. He is only scared when you have a relationship with God! Religion doesn’t scare satan, but a RELATIONSHIP with God totally does! That’s a word right there for somebody!
How do we have a relationship with God? First you ask Jesus to come in and be Lord of your life. That’s salvation. That’s you getting saved. You surrender your life and all the plans you have to the Lord. And then you pray daily and communicate with Him. You meditate on the Word of God. You spend time in His presence.
Just like any other relationship (and all of us have been in at least one relationship before), so you know that spending time together always makes the relationship even greater! God loves you more than any man or woman can, and He showed that love by sacrificing His son Jesus to come on earth to save us from our wicked ways of sin. Thank you Father God!
This morning the scriptural surprise led me to the book of Proverbs and I don’t know about you, but I just love the book of Proverbs. It’s so chocked full of wisdom y’all. I mean if you ever wake up needing some wisdom, flip to Proverbs and just grab a cup of coffee or some green juice (notice the healthy option) and just meditate on the verses in Proverbs. You will wake up feeling like I did this morning after a night of Dr. Tony Evans playing in the background. LOL!
The Holy Spirit and I had this conversation today:
A relationship with me is all you need. #relationshipgoals
Seek me and I will reveal your calling, your gifts, and your assignments.
Seek me like never before.
Write down what I say.
The weapons may have formed and you may have seen them form, but remember they won’t prosper.
Every battle belongs to me, so don’t fight My battles. I fight for you.
Listen! Do you want to develop a strong relationship with God? It’s simple. Just start praying and having a daily conversation with him. In my New Living Translation bible, Proverbs 15:29 says:
The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayers of the righteous. Proverbs 15:29 New Living Translation
I love how the Contemporary English Version breaks that verse down: “The Lord never even hears the prayers of the wicked, but he answers the prayers of all who obey him.” Proverbs 15:29 CEV
God hears your prayers!
Last night as I was on assignment by God leading a life group to help those at my church who have books in them get published, my entire computer system crashed. I mean the computer kept restarting over and over and over. And this happened in the middle of the life group session while I was talking! We were online and I was flowing the way the Spirit was leading, and then everything just crashed. I couldn’t even send an email or anything! It was so crazy, but I knew right then and there that the devil was PEED OFF, and me and the people in the group were on the right track for God. Weapons may form, but they definitely won’t prosper! Isaiah 54:17 says so and I believe it because IT IS WRITTEN… therefore IT IS SO!
Be encouraged today! The enemy doesn’t want you to develop a relationship with the Almighty God, so do me a favor and develop a relationship with the Almighty God! Let the enemy know he ain’t running nothing and every strategy, trick, plan, he tries is already defeated IN JESUS NAME!!
Have a blessed Tuesday…issa whole new day that THE LORD HAS MADE!!!
P.S. Check this out. I have noticed that I get more engagement on selfie pics than I do on scripture pics on social media, so this morning, as I was praying, I said, Lord use ME! Welpt, that’s why my picture is on the main picture scripture! Whatever God wants me to do to deliver His message, I will do it! My mindset is you want to look at me…well you will encounter Jesus when you do! HA!! Amen!
P.S. Hey guess what y’all!!! The New Permission Slips Prayer Journal is NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD!!! It’s the perfect companion to the new book Permission Slips! Get your new digital prayer journal here! And if you haven’t gotten the book, definitely get that too! Let’s get God’s permission in everything!
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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A Word from God.
I am ready to sign my New Book Permission Slips! Order yours today! Bookclub Discussion coming soon!
Check out my new book release!!