It's Already In You!

It’s Already In YOU!

King James Version

King James Version


It’s Saturday morning and the Holy Spirit did something that has never been done before in the prayer closet!! I preached a whole sermonette!! Yes a small sermon! Out loud! It was like I was on a stage giving a message and the people were all the things in my closet (luggage, shoes, clothes, bins, stuff)! I started off praying and even did some singing. A few thoughts tried to distract me and even caused me to shed a few tears at the mere thought, but thankfully the Holy Spirit got my mind back on track. Matter of fact, that’s when the little message started! I said Lord, now how do you want me to share THIS in the blog? It was like I needed someone recording me. Then I heard, oh you will write it down like you always do and share it. So here goes y’all!

Everything we need to function in this life is already downloaded on the inside of us. Just like the Iphone, the manufacturer built in apps into the phone to make it function the way the creator intended. There are some things already IN US that are built in. Now just like the phone, we don’t always know what built-in apps are there unless we use them. But there are some apps that are built in, that exist in the background or are there, but are not being put to use. Yall know what I’m talking about. You didn’t even know the app was there until you tried to free up space and you saw this unfamiliar app. And when you tried to remove it, you couldn’t because it is BUILT IN!! That’s the same with us. God put some stuff in us and the only way we discover it is there is when you dig deeper or when you’re trying to free up some space for something else you think you need to function better. And God is saying…I put everything in you that you need!!!!

When God gives you an assignment, that’s when you want to start digging deeper to see what He has already put in you. It’s time to start looking at what was already downloaded within us from the beginning. Phones come with built in apps for them to function, but until we need them, we don’t even know they are there!!! That’s just like us. God put everything we need to live this life for His purpose in us when we were in our Mother’s womb. Psalm 139:14 tells us that!! But see in life, when we try to operate without God, we start adding stuff that we think we need. Just like when we get a new phone, we add apps. Sometimes those apps aren’t good for us. They cause us to be dysfunctional. They cause us to shut down unexpectedly. They create problems for us. We get addicted to the app. It becomes an idol. And remember, these are all apps that WE ADDED TO OURSELVES!!!

Some of us need to delete the apps of life that are not helping us with our God assignment. Matter of fact, some of those very apps are distracting us from our God assignment.

Whatever God put in you, that’s enough for you to function properly!!!! I said whatever is built in, that’s all you need to accomplish His will for your life.

Whenever you think you need more, ask God for PERMISSION before you add anything to what He already built in! Get’s God’s PERMISSION before you add any other app to your life!

On the iPhone, when you want to delete an app, you actually have to press and hold it. I can’t remember what you do on an Android but I imagine it’s something similar. But on the iPhone, the apps start shaking! I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit right now. See the enemy has come by way of an app on your phone…seeking to steal, kill, and destroy your life, but how many of you know that when you STEP ON HIS NECK by PRESSING THAT APP REAL HARD…the app will begin to SHAKE!! At the mention of Jesus name, demons tremble! That’s what the app that doesn’t belong in your life is doing…it’s trembling! And then with one stone like David, you hit the X and the app, the giant, the enemy, is GONE!

This is soooo for me Lord because there are somethings in my life that I didn’t read the fine print on before I accepted the app. There are some apps that I added because everyone else had them. There are some apps that I added to talk to folks who weren’t even on my level. They trying to talk to me face to face from an Android phone and I have to add an app to even communicate. But God is saying…don’t be unequally yoked! Who I have for you is going to be on the same operating system!! JESUS!!! You won’t have to hack or add any app that I didn’t create to converse with them!!! OH LORD JESUS!!!

And then the Holy Spirit said…and stop thinking that YOU ARE BROKEN!! You’re not broken. See when you accepted me into your life, I wiped you clean, dried you off, and put this covering over you. You’ve been dropped, rejected, mishandled, and you see cracks. Baby, that’s the tempered glass!! Everything within you is fine. See when you surrendered your whole life to me, I added a layer of protection that you can’t even see. So while you thought you were broken and cracked, it was ME who took the brunt of the hit!! I took the fall FOR YOU!! There ain’t nothing that can happen to you that I can’t cover!!!

JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS!! Lord I don’t know how to shout and type…but I am screaming THANK YOU JESUS right now!! You are SO GOOD TO ME!! Hallelujah!!

God said I made you! But Lord what about those who don’t have you as the tempered glass. He said I can even fix the real screen of your life too if you haven’t invited me in yet!! But I need you to call on the one who made you!! Don’t go to these little places who “fix cracked screens” because not everybody is authorized to handle you!! JESUS!!!! The scriptural surprise today is Isaiah chapters 2 and 3 and the stand out verse is chapter 2, verse 22. It says: “Stop putting your trust in mere humans, they are as frail as breath. How can they be of help to anyone?”

Sometimes we are afraid to do a factory reset because of all the things we may potentially lose, but God is saying, I am getting you back to the original functionality of how I made you to be and all that other stuff wreaking havoc that YOU ADDED, was never meant to be on you or with you in the first place.

It’s time for a factory reset from ME, your CREATOR!!

You don’t need anything that didn’t come from ME!!

Yall I don’t know whether to say the doors of the church are open or what, but I do know that the Holy Spirit showed out this Saturday morning in my prayer closet! That message was for me! He said, daughter, it doesn’t matter what it looks like, I AM IN FULL CONTROL and I can see everything you can’t! You’ve been slowed down for too long with stuff I never gave you PERMISSION to add to your life. I am about to press on you and hold you down for a few seconds and reboot your life…MY WAY!! And when I reboot you…I’m going to upgrade you at the same time!!!!

OOOOOHHHHH WEEEEE!!!! I wanna throw my keyboard right now!! Come on Jesus!!!!!

Thank you Lord for this message that was for me this morning and like you always do…I know it will reach whomever else you want it to reach by my sharing!!!

I got to go y’all…my fingers hurt and I just want to bask in His presence right now!!! Praise God!!!

Get in church tomorrow! God is about to reboot your life back to its original settings!! You were created for a purpose and it’s time for you to FUNCTION LIKE IT! AMEN!

Message Bible Translation

Message Bible Translation


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