Encouragement Ink

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It's Yours, BUT...

It’s Yours, BUT…

Contemporary English Version


This morning’s message is short is sweet. Why? Because that’s what I heard from the Holy Spirit this morning in the prayer closet. He said, what I have for you is yours, I don’t care who seems to be occupying it right now or what it looks like, but you will have to still do something.

I heard this from the Holy Spirit after I read the scriptural surprise in Joshua 16 and 17. Joshua was handing out land to the descendants of Joseph. They had come back to him and told him it was not enough and they needed more. They also added that some of the land they had been giving was being occupied by some strong Canaanites.

I love Joshua’s reply because not only did he say, okay you can have more land, he also encouraged them by saying, oh you can drive them Canaanites out. That’s what the King James Version says. But you know I like to grab my Bible app after I read the word from my actual bible so I can press that compare versions button and see how the other versions interpret it. Sometimes I just need more of the “gangsta” Message version to get the point across (LOL). Check out how the different versions give the same message (partial scripture of Joshua 17:18 below):

  • And you WILL drive out the Canaanites from the valleys, even though they are strong and have iron chariots. New Living Translation.

  • For you SHALL drive out the Canaanites, even though they have iron chariots and though they are strong. The Amplified Bible.

  • The powerful Canaanites, even with their iron chariots, won’t stand a chance against you! The Message Bible (I love this version),

  • For thou SHALT drive out the Canaanites, through they have iron chariots, and though they be strong. King James Version.

  • Even though the Canaanites there are strong and have iron chariots, you can force them to leave the valley. Contemporary English Version.

You see the subtle differences in each translation of Joshua 17:18? What I also got from the first part of that verse is that they needed more land and Joshua said, okay you can have the rest of the hill country BUT. Now notice the BUT in that scripture. They requested more land. Joshua said okay, BUT.

Joshua told them okay, but it is a forest and you will have to cut down the trees and clear the land. Then he also encouraged them to drive out or force anyone there out of the land and it doesn’t matter how strong they are, you WILL do it. You may be just like the descendants of Joseph. You’re asking for more because you need more and God is saying okay, BUT.

What has God told you is yours, but you can’t see nothing but trees? You can’t see nothing but someone else occupying the space He told you was yours? You see strong people with authority and you feel like you can’t go up against them to get what is yours. BUT…God is saying…IT’S YOURS…you just have to go in there, clear the land and take possession of it. It is already yours, but you still have to DO SOMETHING when you get it!

That’s a word right there. It’s yours, but you still have to do something with it when you get it, to make it your own. You may even have to go up against someone that’s strong, but they won’t stand a chance against you!

That was a word for me today because I know that I am destined for more, but right now, it seems like where I am going is full of trees and my view of what’s actually there is being blocked. And then I see other people are squatting in my space and they seem strong, but it’s not there space. It is my space. It is mine. God is saying…yes it’s yours, but you will need to go in there and clear it out to make it your own. It’s not ready-made for you to possess it, you actually got to DO SOMETHING!

Whatever God is telling you is yours, still requires you to DO SOMETHING. It may LOOK like it’s not doable, but trust God all the way as you take possession of what is yours!!! Yes, it’s yours, but are you willing to do what it takes to possess it and make it your own?

God is saying, you actually got to put in a bit of work to it, and then remove some folks out of it that don't belong. Then you can make it your own!

Be encouraged today to DO SOMETHING with what God has already given you!


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A Word from God.

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