Can I Get One Hour?

Can I Get One Hour?

Contemporary English Version

Contemporary English Version


Guess who came home yesterday and the air conditioner was out…AGAIN! This is the third time the A/C has gone out at my house this summer. Thank God for fans and a house that isn’t extremely hot, otherwise we would have had to sleep somewhere else. Last night reminded me of sleeping as a child when A/C was a real luxury, and we had those window units where it was only cool in those rooms. LOL!

But regardless of my A/C going out, I praised God anyway. I know the enemy wanted me to be distracted and super frustrated, but the heat just made me pray even harder this morning because I know there are people who are suffering in hotter situations. I prayed for them and many others this morning, and when I flipped to the scriptural surprise of Matthew 26:40-41, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the importance of prayer.

Prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference.

We give God permission to interfere from a heavenly perspective here on earth through our prayers. You don’t even have to watch the news for 30 seconds or scroll your social feeds to see that we need prayer here in the United States, and all around the world.

In Matthew, chapter 26, Jesus went to Gethsemane. He told his disciples to sit here while I go over there and pray. He took Peter, James and John with him. He went to pray because he was so sad and troubled. So he said to his 3 disciples to stay here and keep awake with me. Jesus walked off and prayed. He prayed with His face on the ground to the Father and asked if it was any other way possible that he didn’t have to suffer, but then he said, but do what you want, not what I want (your will Father, not mine).

He came back from praying and found his disciples sleeping. So he said to Peter, y’all couldn’t stay awake with me for just one hour to pray so that you won’t be tested? You want to do what is right, but you are weak.

Then Jesus left them again and went to pray. He came back and found them sleeping again. They couldn’t keep their eyes open. Isn’t that how it is with us? When it’s time to pray or read the Bible, we get sooooo sleepy we can’t keep our eyes open? Or we can’t even get up to pray in the morning or we forget to say our prayers at night?

Jesus left them again to go pray and came back. He was like…so y’all still sleeping and resting? But this time when He came back, it was go time. He said, the time has come for the Son of Man to be handed over to sinners. Get up! Let’s go. The one who will betray me is already here.

This morning, I want to urge you and encourage you to take your prayer life even more seriously. The enemy is already here, and he is working hard to ensure you don’t wake up to pray, that you choose the mattress over prayer time. That you throw one up real quick and don’t spend anytime with Jesus.

But I want to challenge you this morning. Can Jesus count on you to stay awake and pray for an hour? Your prayers are really needed. I believe if you are reading this blog, then you have everything you need to pray for one hour or more. If you’re like, Fon, I don’t know how to do that! Then start with 15 minutes and work your way up to an hour. But either way, pray MORE than you are praying right now as a start. Give God your first hour and watch how He will change your life.

Have a great Friday and know that God loves you so much!

P.S. If you’re interested in learning how to pray for an hour, send me an email. I’d love to encourage you how to spend more time with the Lord in prayer.


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