Believe What I Show You vs What They Tell You!
Believe What I Show You vs What They Tell You!
Contemporary English Version
Oh magnify the Lord with me on this glorious Saturday morning!! This is the day the Lord has made…a whole day that you have never seen before!!! Do you ever get caught up in taking life for granted? Taking days for granted? You know, acting like it’s just another Saturday? Another weekend? Well just stop and think for a moment…you have NEVER EVER EVER SEEN THIS DAY!!! Soak that in.
This morning the Holy Spirit spoke this to me:
I have always stood by your side.
I am showing you everything you need to see so you can have peace about your wise choices; so you can choose the wise way; and so that you can know that I am always with you and for you!
Today’s scriptural surprise comes from the 13th-16th book of Proverbs!!
Proverbs 13:12
Proverbs 16:2, 3, 9, 20, 32, and 33!
I want you to get that Word in you, so open your Bibles to the Word and check out those scriptures.
The Holy Spirit also gave me some other scriptures specifically for my little cousin who is getting married today. I am going to share them with her this morning. What I found amazing is that one of the scriptures is her wedding date!!! The scripture is Proverbs 22:6 (that’s today, June 22). The scripture is about training up a child. Now it may seem odd in the natural for that verse to come up today on her wedding day, but her Dad is my Uncle Wallace, who I spoke about in the previous blog post. He was in an accident in October 2018 and we have been praying for him to be healed and restored. Our prayer was for him to be able to walk her down the aisle, but our prayer was also for God’s will to be done, not ours. He won’t get to walk her down the aisle, but God orchestrated it so that he could be moved to the very city where she is getting married this week!!! Yes, God knows exactly what he is doing and our responsibility is to trust him completely, not for our wants, but for His will to be done.
That Proverbs 22:6 scripture simply means that while her Dad can’t physically walk her down the aisle, he has trained her up in the way that she should go and now that she is older, she won’t depart from it. He has walked her down the training aisle of life!! This makes my heart glad and I know that the Holy Spirit will give her a joy on today like never before, and give my Uncle a joy in knowing that he trained her up! I am believing that God will get the glory today in every moment! We will dance tonight and enjoy all the wedding festivities knowing that God is faithful and He LOVES us!
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A Word from God.